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Concomitant Double Ion and Electron Populations in the Earth's Magnetopause Boundary Layers From Double Reconnection With Lobe and Closed Field Lines [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2018-01-01, 123 (7
Lavraud B.;  Jacquey C.;  Achilli T.;  Fuselier S.A.;  Grigorenko E.;  Phan T.D.;  Øieroset M.;  McFadden J.;  Angelopoulos V.
Magnetic Reconnection at a Thin Current Sheet Separating Two Interlaced Flux Tubes at the Earth's Magnetopause [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2018-01-01, 123 (3
Kacem I.;  Jacquey C.;  Génot V.;  Lavraud B.;  Vernisse Y.;  Marchaudon A.;  Le Contel O.;  Breuillard H.;  Phan T.D.;  Hasegawa H.;  Oka M.;  Trattner K.J.;  Farrugia C.J.;  Paulson K.;  Eastwood J.P.;  Fuselier S.A.;  Turner D.;  Eriksson S.;  Wilder F.;  Russell C.T.;  Øieroset M.;  Burch J.;  Graham D.B.;  Sauvaud J.-A.;  Avanov L.;  Chandler M.;  Coffey V.;  Dorelli J.;  Gershman D.J.;  Giles B.L.;  Moore T.E.;  Saito Y.;  Chen L.-J.;  Penou E.
Currents and associated electron scattering and bouncing near the diffusion region at Earth's magnetopause [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (7
Lavraud B.;  Zhang Y.C.;  Vernisse Y.;  Gershman D.J.;  Dorelli J.;  Cassak P.A.;  Dargent J.;  Pollock C.;  Giles B.;  Aunai N.;  Argall M.;  Avanov L.;  Barrie A.;  Burch J.;  Chandler M.;  Chen L.-J.;  Clark G.;  Cohen I.;  Coffey V.;  Eastwood J.P.;  Egedal J.;  Eriksson S.;  Ergun R.;  Farrugia C.J.;  Fuselier S.A.;  Génot V.;  Graham D.;  Grigorenko E.;  Hasegawa H.;  Jacquey C.;  Kacem I.;  Khotyaintsev Y.;  Macdonald E.;  Magnes W.;  Marchaudon A.;  Mauk B.;  Moore T.E.;  Mukai T.;  Nakamura R.;  Paterson W.;  Penou E.;  Phan T.D.;  Rager A.;  Retino A.;  Rong Z.J.;  Russell C.T.;  Saito Y.;  Sauvaud J.-A.;  Schwartz S.J.;  Shen C.;  Smith S.;  Strangeway R.;  Toledo-Redondo S.;  Torbert R.;  Turner D.L.;  Wang S.;  Yokota S.