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Globally important islands where eradicating invasive mammals will benefit highly threatened vertebrates [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2019-01-01, 14 (3
Holmes, Nick D.;  Spatz, Dena R.;  Oppel, Steffen;  Tershy, Bernie;  Croll, Donald A.;  Keitt, Brad;  Genovesi, Piero;  Burfield, Ian J.;  Will, David J.;  Bond, Alexander L.;  Wegmann, Alex;  Aguirre-Munoz, Alfonso;  Raine, Andre F.;  Knapp, Charles R.;  Hung, Chung-Hang;  Wingate, David;  Hagen, Erin;  Mendez-Sanchez, Federico;  Rocamora, Gerard;  Yuan, Hsiao-Wei;  Fric, Jakob;  Millett, James;  Russell, James;  Liske-Clark, Jill;  Vidal, Eric;  Jourdan, Herve;  Campbell, Karl;  Springer, Keith;  Swinnerton, Kirsty;  Gibbons-Decherong, Lolita;  Langrand, Olivier;  Brooke, M. de L.;  McMinn, Miguel;  Bunbury, Nancy;  Oliveira, Nuno;  Sposimo, Paolo;  Geraldes, Pedro;  McClelland, Pete;  Hodum, Peter;  Ryan, Peter G.;  Borroto-Paez, Rafael;  Pierce, Ray;  Griffiths, Richard;  Fisher, Robert N.;  Wanless, Ross;  Pasachnik, Stesha A.;  Cranwell, Steve;  Micol, Thierry;  Butchart, Stuart H. M.
Can REDD+ social safeguards reach the ‘right’ people? Lessons from Madagascar [期刊论文]
Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, 2016-01-01, Volume 37 (March 2016) : Pages 31-42
Mahesh Poudyal;  Bruno S. Ramamonjisoa;  Neal Hockley;  O. Sarobidy Rakotonarivo;  James M. Gibbons;  Rina Mandimbiniaina;  Alexandra Rasoamanana;  Julia P.G. Jones
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To See or Not to See: Investigating Detectability of Ganges River Dolphins Using a Combined Visual-Acoustic Survey [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2014-01-01, 9 (5
Nadia I. Richman;  James M. Gibbons;  Samuel T. Turvey;  Tomonari Akamatsu;  Benazir Ahmed;  Emile Mahabub;  Brian D. Smith;  Julia P. G. Jones
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