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The paleolimnologist's guide to compound-specific stable isotope analysis - An introduction to principles and applications of CSIA for Quaternary lake sediments [期刊论文]
QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2019-01-01, 207) : 101-133
Holtvoeth, Jens;  Whiteside, Jessica H.;  Engels, Stefan;  Freitas, Felipe S.;  Grice, Kliti;  Greenwood, Paul;  Johnson, Sean;  Kendall, Iain;  Lengger, Sabine K.;  Luecke, Andreas;  Mayr, Christoph;  Naafs, B. David A.;  Rohrssen, Megan;  Sepulveda, Julio
Two New Beggiatoa Species Inhabiting Marine Mangrove Sediments in the Caribbean [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2015-01-01, 10 (2
Maïtena R. N. Jean;  Silvina Gonzalez-Rizzo;  Pauline Gauffre-Autelin;  Sabine K. Lengger;  Stefan Schouten;  Olivier Gros
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