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Physics-based SNOWPACK model improves representation of near-surface Antarctic snow and firn density [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (2
Keenan E.;  Wever N.;  Dattler M.;  Lenaerts J.T.M.;  Medley B.;  Kuipers Munneke P.;  Reijmer C.
Scoring Antarctic surface mass balance in climate models to refine future projections [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2020-01-01, 14 (12
Gorte T.;  Lenaerts J.T.M.;  Medley B.
Interannual variations in meltwater input to the Southern Ocean from Antarctic ice shelves [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2020-01-01, 13 (9
Adusumilli S.;  Fricker H.A.;  Medley B.;  Padman L.;  Siegfried M.R.
A New Regional Climate Model for POLAR-CORDEX: Evaluation of a 30-Year Hindcast with COSMO-CLM2 Over Antarctica [期刊论文]
Souverijns, N.;  Gossart, A.;  Demuzere, M.;  Lenaerts, J. T. M.;  Medley, B.;  Gorodetskaya, I. V.;  Vanden Broucke, S.;  van Lipzig, N. P. M.
Modelling the climate and surface mass balance of polar ice sheets using RACMO2 - Part 2: Antarctica (1979-2016) [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2018-01-01, 12 (4
Melchior Van Wessem J;  , Jan Van De Berg W;  , Noël B;  P;  Y;  , Van Meijgaard E;  , Amory C;  , Birnbaum G;  , Jakobs C;  L;  , Krüger K;  , Lenaerts J;  T;  M;  , Lhermitte S;  , Ligtenberg S;  R;  M;  , Medley B;  , Reijmer C;  H;  , Van Tricht K;  , Trusel L;  D;  , Van Ulft L;  H;  , Wouters B;  , Wuite J;  , Van Den Broeke M;  R
How much, how fast?: A science review and outlook for research on the instability of Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier in the 21st century [期刊论文]
Global and Planetary Change, 2017-01-01, 153
Scambos T.A.;  Bell R.E.;  Alley R.B.;  Anandakrishnan S.;  Bromwich D.H.;  Brunt K.;  Christianson K.;  Creyts T.;  Das S.B.;  DeConto R.;  Dutrieux P.;  Fricker H.A.;  Holland D.;  MacGregor J.;  Medley B.;  Nicolas J.P.;  Pollard D.;  Siegfried M.R.;  Smith A.M.;  Steig E.J.;  Trusel L.D.;  Vaughan D.G.;  Yager P.L.
Observationally constrained surface mass balance of Larsen C ice shelf, Antarctica [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2017-01-01, 11 (6
Munneke P;  K;  , McGrath D;  , Medley B;  , Luckman A;  , Bevan S;  , Kulessa B;  , Jansen D;  , Booth A;  , Smeets P;  , Hubbard B;  , Ashmore D;  , Van Den Broeke M;  , Sevestre H;  , Steffen K;  , Shepherd A;  , Gourmelen N
Brief Communication: Upper-air relaxation in RACMO2 significantly improves modelled interannual surface mass balance variability in Antarctica [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2016-01-01, 10 (1
Van De Berg W;  J;  , Medley B
Tropical pacific influence on the source and transport of marine aerosols to West antarctica [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2014-01-01, 27 (3
Criscitiello A.S.;  Das S.B.;  Karnauskas K.B.;  Evans M.J.;  Frey K.E.;  Joughin I.;  Steig E.J.;  Mcconnell J.R.;  Medley B.
Constraining the recent mass balance of pine island and thwaites glaciers, west antarctica, with airborne observations of snow accumulation [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2014-01-01, 8 (4
Medley B;  , Joughin I;  , Smith B;  E;  , Das S;  B;  , Steig E;  J;  , Conway H;  , Gogineni S;  , Lewis C;  , Criscitiello A;  S;  , McConnell J;  R;  , Van Den Broeke M;  R;  , Lenaerts J;  T;  M;  , Bromwich D;  H;  , Nicolas J;  P;  , Leuschen C

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