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Air pollution inputs to the Mojave Desert by fusing surface mobile and airborne in situ and airborne and satellite remote sensing: A case study of interbasin transport with numerical model validation [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 224
Leifer I.;  Melton C.;  Chatfield R.;  Cui X.;  Fischer M.L.;  Fladeland M.;  Gore W.;  Hlavka D.L.;  Iraci L.T.;  Marrero J.;  Ryoo J.-M.;  Tanaka T.;  Yates E.;  Yorks J.E.
Air pollution inputs to the Mojave Desert by fusing surface mobile and airborne in situ and airborne and satellite remote sensing: A case study of interbasin transport with numerical model validation [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 224
Leifer I.;  Melton C.;  Chatfield R.;  Cui X.;  Fischer M.L.;  Fladeland M.;  Gore W.;  Hlavka D.L.;  Iraci L.T.;  Marrero J.;  Ryoo J.-M.;  Tanaka T.;  Yates E.;  Yorks J.E.
A multiyear estimate of methane fluxes in Alaska from CARVE atmospheric observations [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2016-01-01, 30 (10
Miller S;  M;  , Miller C;  E;  , Commane R;  , Chang R;  Y;  -W;  , Dinardo S;  J;  , Henderson J;  M;  , Karion A;  , Lindaas J;  , Melton J;  R;  , Miller J;  B;  , Sweeney C;  , Wofsy S;  C;  , Michalak A;  M
Policy uncertainty and diffusion of carbon capture and storage in an optimal region [期刊论文]
Climate Policy, 2015-01-01, 15 (5
Bataille C;  , Melton N;  , Jaccard M