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Methane pathways in winter ice of a thermokarst lake-lagoon-coastal water transect in north Siberia [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (3
Spangenberg I.;  Paul Overduin P.;  Damm E.;  Bussmann I.;  Meyer H.;  Liebner S.;  Angelopoulos M.;  K. Biskaborn B.;  N. Grigoriev M.;  Grosse G.
Lost islands in the northern Lesser Antilles: possible milestones in the Cenozoic dispersal of terrestrial organisms between South-America and the Greater Antilles [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2021-01-01, 217
Cornée J.-J.;  Münch P.;  Philippon M.;  BouDagher-Fadel M.;  Quillévéré F.;  Melinte-Dobrinescu M.;  Lebrun J.-F.;  Gay A.;  Meyer S.;  Montheil L.;  Lallemand S.;  Marcaillou B.;  Laurencin M.;  Legendre L.;  Garrocq C.;  Boucard M.;  Beslier M.-O.;  Laigle M.;  Schenini L.;  Fabre P.-H.;  Antoine P.-O.;  Marivaux L.;  the GARANTI and ANTITHESIS Scientific Parties
Metabolic and molecular stress responses of European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax at low and high temperature extremes [期刊论文]
Ecological Indicators, 2020-01-01, 112
Islam M.J.;  Kunzmann A.;  Bögner M.;  Meyer A.;  Thiele R.;  James Slater M.
Defining Southern Ocean fronts and their influence on biological and physical processes in a changing climate [期刊论文]
Nature Climate Change, 2020-01-01, 10 (3
Chapman C.C.;  Lea M.-A.;  Meyer A.;  Sallée J.-B.;  Hindell M.
Rainfall Estimates on a Gridded Network (REGEN) - A global land-based gridded dataset of daily precipitation from 1950 to 2016 [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2020-01-01, 24 (2
Contractor S.;  Donat M.G.;  Alexander L.V.;  Ziese M.;  Meyer-Christoffer A.;  Schneider U.;  Rustemeier E.;  Becker A.;  Durre I.;  Vose R.S.
Lithium ion battery electrolyte degradation of field-tested electric vehicle battery cells – A comprehensive analytical study [期刊论文]
Journal of Power Sources, 2020-01-01, 447
Henschel J.;  Horsthemke F.;  Stenzel Y.P.;  Evertz M.;  Girod S.;  Lürenbaum C.;  Kösters K.;  Wiemers-Meyer S.;  Winter M.;  Nowak S.
Rainfall Estimates on a Gridded Network (REGEN) - A global land-based gridded dataset of daily precipitation from 1950 to 2016 [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2020-01-01, 24 (2
Contractor S.;  Donat M.G.;  Alexander L.V.;  Ziese M.;  Meyer-Christoffer A.;  Schneider U.;  Rustemeier E.;  Becker A.;  Durre I.;  Vose R.S.
Extreme climate after massive eruption of Alaska's Okmok volcano in 43 bce and effects on the late roman republic and ptolemaic kingdom [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (27
McConnell J.R.;  Sigl M.;  Plunkett G.;  Burke A.;  Kim W.M.;  Raible C.C.;  Wilson A.I.;  Manning J.G.;  Ludlow F.;  Chellman N.J.;  Innes H.M.;  Yang Z.;  Larsen J.F.;  Schaefer J.R.;  Kipfstuhl S.;  Mojtabavi S.;  Wilhelms F.;  Opel T.;  Meyer H.;  Steffensen J.P.
Extreme climate after massive eruption of Alaska's Okmok volcano in 43 bce and effects on the late roman republic and ptolemaic kingdom [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (27
McConnell J.R.;  Sigl M.;  Plunkett G.;  Burke A.;  Kim W.M.;  Raible C.C.;  Wilson A.I.;  Manning J.G.;  Ludlow F.;  Chellman N.J.;  Innes H.M.;  Yang Z.;  Larsen J.F.;  Schaefer J.R.;  Kipfstuhl S.;  Mojtabavi S.;  Wilhelms F.;  Opel T.;  Meyer H.;  Steffensen J.P.
Reply to barber: Marginal evidence for taro production in northern New Zealand between 1200 and 1500 CE [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (3
Prebble M.;  Anderson A.J.;  Augustinus P.;  Emmitt J.;  Fallon S.J.;  Furey L.L.;  Holdaway S.J.;  Jorgensen A.;  Ladefoged T.N.;  Matthews P.J.;  Meyer J.-Y.;  Phillipps R.;  Wallace R.;  Porch N.

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