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Testate amoebae as a hydrological proxy for reconstructing water-table depth in the mires of south-eastern Australia [期刊论文]
ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 2019-01-01, 96) : 701-710
Zheng, Xianglin;  Amesbury, Matthew J.;  Hope, Geoffrey;  Martin, Len F.;  Mooney, Scott D.
Aquatic ecosystem changes in a global biodiversity hotspot: Evidence from the Albertine Rift, central Africa [期刊论文]
JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY, 2019-01-01, 46 (9) : 2098-2114
McGlynn, Gayle;  Lejju, Julius;  Dalton, Catherine;  Mooney, Scott D.;  Rose, Neil L.;  Tompkins, Adrian M.;  Bannister, Wayne;  Tan, Zu D.;  Zheng, Xianglin;  Ruehland, Katherine M.;  Taylor, David
Suomi NPP CrIS measurements, sensor data record algorithm, calibration and validation activities, and record data quality [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 2013-01-01, 118 (22
Han Y.;  Revercomb H.;  Cromp M.;  Gu D.;  Johnson D.;  Mooney D.;  Scott D.;  Strow L.;  Bingham G.;  Borg L.;  Chen Y.;  Deslover D.;  Esplin M.;  Hagan D.;  Jin X.;  Knuteson R.;  Motteler H.;  Predina J.;  Suwinski L.;  Taylor J.;  Tobin D.;  Tremblay D.;  Wang C.;  Wang L.;  Wang L.;  Zavyalov V.