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Plastic and genetic responses of a common sedge to warming have contrasting effects on carbon cycle processes [期刊论文]
ECOLOGY LETTERS, 2019-01-01, 22 (1) : 159-169
Walker, Tom W. N.;  Weckwerth, Wolfram;  Bragazza, Luca;  Fragner, Lena;  Forde, Brian G.;  Ostle, Nicholas J.;  Signarbieux, Constant;  Sun, Xiaoliang;  Ward, Susan E.;  Bardgett, Richard D.
Using plant, microbe, and soil fauna traits to improve the predictive power of biogeochemical models [期刊论文]
METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 2019-01-01, 10 (1) : 146-157
Fry, Ellen L.;  De Long, Jonathan R.;  Alvarez Garrido, Lucia;  Alvarez, Nil;  Carrillo, Yolima;  Castaneda-Gomez, Laura;  Chomel, Mathilde;  Dondini, Marta;  Drake, John E.;  Hasegawa, Shun;  Hortal, Sara;  Jackson, Benjamin G.;  Jiang, Mingkai;  Lavallee, Jocelyn M.;  Medlyn, Belinda E.;  Rhymes, Jennifer;  Singh, Brajesh K.;  Smith, Pete;  Anderson, Ian C.;  Bardgett, Richard D.;  Baggs, Elizabeth M.;  Johnson, David
Drought soil legacy overrides maternal effects on plant growth [期刊论文]
FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, 2019-01-01, 33 (8) : 1400-1410
De Long, Jonathan R.;  Semchenko, Marina;  Pritchard, William J.;  Cordero, Irene;  Fry, Ellen L.;  Jackson, Benjamin G.;  Kurnosova, Ksenia;  Ostle, Nicholas J.;  Johnson, David;  Baggs, Elizabeth M.;  Bardgett, Richard D.
Drought decreases incorporation of recent plant photosynthate into soil food webs regardless of their trophic complexity [期刊论文]
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2019-01-01, 25 (10) : 3549-3561
Chomel, Mathilde;  Lavallee, Jocelyn M.;  Alvarez-Segura, Nil;  de Castro, Francisco;  Rhymes, Jennifer M.;  Caruso, Tancredi;  de Vries, Franciska T.;  Baggs, Elizabeth M.;  Emmerson, Mark C.;  Bardgett, Richard D.;  Johnson, David
Microbial responses to warming enhance soil carbon loss following translocation across a tropical forest elevation gradient [期刊论文]
ECOLOGY LETTERS, 2019-01-01,
Nottingham, Andrew T.;  Whitaker, Jeanette;  Ostle, Nick J.;  Bardgett, Richard D.;  McNamara, Niall P.;  Fierer, Noah;  Salinas, Norma;  Ccahuana, Adan J. Q.;  Turner, Benjamin L.;  Meir, Patrick
Soil Methane Sink Capacity Response to a Long-Term Wildfire Chronosequence in Northern Sweden [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2015-01-01, 10 (9
Niall P. McNamara;  Ruth Gregg;  Simon Oakley;  Andy Stott;  Md. Tanvir Rahman;  J. Colin Murrell;  David A. Wardle;  Richard D. Bardgett;  Nick J. Ostle
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