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Does the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index explain spatial and temporal variability in sap velocity in temperate forest ecosystems? [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2019-01-01, 23 (4
Dijke A.;  Mallick K.;  Teuling A.;  Schlerf M.;  Machwitz M.;  Hassler S.;  Blume T.;  Herold M.
Canopy-scale biophysical controls of transpiration and evaporation in the Amazon Basin [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2016-01-01, 20 (10
Mallick K;  , Trebs I;  , Boegh E;  , Giustarini L;  , Schlerf M;  , Drewry D;  T;  , Hoffmann L;  , Von Randow C;  , Kruijt B;  , Araùjo A;  , Saleska S;  , Ehleringer J;  R;  , Domingues T;  F;  , Ometto J;  P;  H;  B;  , Nobre A;  D;  , Luiz Leal De Moraes O;  , Hayek M;  , William Munger J;  , Wofsy S;  C
Water stress detection in potato plants using leaf temperature, emissivity, and reflectance [期刊论文]
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2016-01-01, 53
Gerhards M;  , Rock G;  , Schlerf M;  , Udelhoven T
Plant species discrimination using emissive thermal infrared imaging spectroscopy [期刊论文]
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2016-01-01, 53
Rock G;  , Gerhards M;  , Schlerf M;  , Hecker C;  , Udelhoven T
Comparative analysis of different retrieval methods for mapping grassland leaf area index using airborne imaging spectroscopy [期刊论文]
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2015-01-01, 43
Atzberger C;  , Darvishzadeh R;  , Immitzer M;  , Schlerf M;  , Skidmore A;  , le Maire G
The fourth radiation transfer model intercomparison (RAMI-IV): Proficiency testing of canopy reflectance models with ISO-13528 [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 2013-01-01, 118 (13
Widlowski J.-L.;  Pinty B.;  Lopatka M.;  Atzberger C.;  Buzica D.;  Chelle M.;  Disney M.;  Gastellu-Etchegorry J.-P.;  Gerboles M.;  Gobron N.;  Grau E.;  Huang H.;  Kallel A.;  Kobayashi H.;  Lewis P.E.;  Qin W.;  Schlerf M.;  Stuckens J.;  Xie D.
Savanna grass nitrogen to phosphorous ratio estimation using field spectroscopy and the potential for estimation with imaging spectroscopy [期刊论文]
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2013-01-01, 23 (1
Ramoelo A;  , Skidmore A;  K;  , Schlerf M;  , Heitkönig I;  M;  A;  , Mathieu R;  , Cho M;  A
Hyperspectral reflectance of leaves and flowers of an outbreak species discriminates season and successional stage of vegetation [期刊论文]
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2013-01-01, 24 (1
Carvalho S;  , Schlerf M;  , van der Puttena W;  H;  , Skidmore A;  K
Photosynthetic bark: Use of chlorophyll absorption continuum index to estimate boswellia papyrifera bark chlorophyll content [期刊论文]
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2013-01-01, 23 (1
Girma A;  , Skidmore A;  K;  , de Bie C;  A;  J;  M;  , Bongers F;  , Schlerf M