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Connected macroalgal-sediment systems: blue carbon and food webs in the deep coastal ocean [期刊论文]
ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS, 2019-01-01, 89 (3
Queiros, Ana Moura;  Stephens, Nicholas;  Widdicombe, Stephen;  Tait, Karen;  McCoy, Sophie J.;  Ingels, Jeroen;  Ruehl, Saskia;  Airs, Ruth;  Beesley, Amanda;  Carnovale, Giorgia;  Cazenave, Pierre;  Dashfield, Sarah;  Hua, Er;  Jones, Mark;  Lindeque, Penelope;  McNeill, Caroline L.;  Nunes, Joana;  Parry, Helen;  Pascoe, Christine;  Widdicombe, Claire;  Smyth, Tim;  Atkinson, Angus;  Krause-Jensen, Dorte;  Somerfield, Paul J.
Ocean Net Heat Flux Influences Seasonal to Interannual Patterns of Plankton Abundance [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2014-01-01, 9 (6
Tim J. Smyth;  Icarus Allen;  Angus Atkinson;  John T. Bruun;  Rachel A. Harmer;  Robin D. Pingree;  Claire E. Widdicombe;  Paul J. Somerfield
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