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Decadal losses of canopy-forming algae along the warm temperate coastline of Brazil [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2020-01-01, 26 (3
Gorman D.;  Horta P.;  Flores A.A.V.;  Turra A.;  Berchez F.A.D.S.;  Batista M.B.;  Lopes Filho E.S.;  Melo M.S.;  Ignacio B.L.;  Carneiro I.M.;  Villaça R.C.;  Széchy M.T.M.
Spatial variability in the concentrations of metals in beached microplastics [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018-01-01, 129 (2
Vedolin M.C.;  Teophilo C.Y.S.;  Turra A.;  Figueira R.C.L.
Transboundary movement of marine litter in an estuarine gradient: Evaluating sources and sinks using hydrodynamic modelling and ground truthing estimates [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017-01-01, 119 (1
Krelling A.P.;  Souza M.M.;  Williams A.T.;  Turra A.
Monitoring nitrogen pollution in seasonally-pulsed coastal waters requires judicious choice of indicator species [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017-01-01, 122 (2018-01-02
Gorman D.;  Turra A.;  Connolly R.M.;  Olds A.D.;  Schlacher T.A.
Trophic transference of microplastics under a low exposure scenario: Insights on the likelihood of particle cascading along marine food-webs [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017-01-01, 121 (2018-01-02
Santana M.F.M.;  Moreira F.T.;  Turra A.
Colour spectrum and resin-type determine the concentration and composition of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in plastic pellets [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017-01-01, 122 (2018-01-02
Fisner M.;  Majer A.;  Taniguchi S.;  Bícego M.;  Turra A.;  Gorman D.
Frequency, Magnitude, and Possible Causes of Stranding and Mass-Mortality Events of the Beach Clam Tivela mactroides (Bivalvia: Veneridae) [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2016-01-01, 11 (1
Alexander Turra;  Maíra Pombo;  Marcelo Petracco;  Eduardo Siegle;  Mariana Fonseca;  Márcia R. Denadai
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Small-scale temporal and spatial variability in the abundance of plastic pellets on sandy beaches: Methodological considerations for estimating the input of microplastics [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016-01-01, 102 (1
Moreira F.T.;  Prantoni A.L.;  Martini B.;  de Abreu M.A.;  Stoiev S.B.;  Turra A.
Spatial variability in persistent organic pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in beach-stranded pellets along the coast of the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016-01-01, 106 (2018-01-02
Taniguchi S.;  Colabuono F.I.;  Dias P.S.;  Oliveira R.;  Fisner M.;  Turra A.;  Izar G.M.;  Abessa D.M.S.;  Saha M.;  Hosoda J.;  Yamashita R.;  Takada H.;  Lourenço R.A.;  Magalhães C.A.;  Bícego M.C.;  Montone R.C.
Microplastic contamination in natural mussel beds from a Brazilian urbanized coastal region: Rapid evaluation through bioassessment [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016-01-01, 106 (2018-01-02
Santana M.F.M.;  Ascer L.G.;  Custódio M.R.;  Moreira F.T.;  Turra A.

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