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Combined effects of temperature increase and immune challenge in two wild gudgeon populations [期刊论文]
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020-01-01, 46 (1
Petitjean Q.;  Jean S.;  Côte J.;  Lamarins A.;  Lefranc M.;  Santos R.;  Perrault A.;  Laffaille P.;  Jacquin L.
First odyssey beneath the sea ice of juvenile emperor penguins in East Antarctica [期刊论文]
MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES, 2019-01-01, 609) : 1-16
Labrousse, Sara;  Orgeret, Florian;  Solow, Andrew R.;  Barbraud, Christophe;  Bost, Charles A.;  Sallee, Jean-Baptiste;  Weimerskirch, Henri;  Jenouvrier, Stephanie
Latest advances and future perspectives in Armillaria research [期刊论文]
CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, 2019-01-01, 41 (1) : 1-23
Heinzelmann, Renate;  Dutech, Cyril;  Tsykun, Tetyana;  Labbe, Frederic;  Soularue, Jean-Paul;  Prospero, Simone
Revisiting the Local Adaptive Capacity framework: learning from the implementation of a research and programming framework in Africa [期刊论文]
CLIMATE AND DEVELOPMENT, 2019-01-01, 11 (1) : 3-13
Jones, Lindsey;  Ludi, Eva;  Jeans, Helen;  Barihaihi, Margaret
Matching policy and science: Rationale for the '4 per 1000-soils for food security and climate' initiative [期刊论文]
SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH, 2019-01-01, 188) : 3-15
Soussana, Jean-Francois;  Lutfalla, Suzanne;  Ehrhardt, Fiona;  Rosenstock, Todd;  Lamanna, Christine;  Havlik, Petr;  Richards, Meryl;  Wollenberg, Eva (Lini);  Chotte, Jean-Luc;  Torquebiau, Emmanuel;  Ciais, Philippe;  Smith, Pete;  Lal, Rattan
Integrated Hydrological Modeling of Climate Change Impacts in a Snow-Influenced Catchment [期刊论文]
GROUNDWATER, 2019-01-01, 57 (1) : 3-20
Cochand, Fabien;  Therrien, Rene;  Lemieux, Jean-Michel
Fatty Acid-Based Radically Polymerizable Monomers: From Novel Poly(meth)acrylates to Cutting-Edge Properties [期刊论文]
BIOMACROMOLECULES, 2019-01-01, 20 (1) : 4-26
Lomege, Juliette;  Lapinte, Vincent;  Negrell, Claire;  Robin, Jean-Jacques;  Caillol, Sylvain
Northern Hemisphere extratropical winter cyclones variability over the 20th century derived from ERA-20C reanalysis [期刊论文]
CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 2019-01-01, 52 (1-2) : 1027-1048
Varino, Filipa;  Arbogast, Philippe;  Joly, Bruno;  Riviere, Gwendal;  Fandeur, Marie-Laure;  Bovy, Henry;  Granier, Jean-Baptiste
Observed increase in extreme daily rainfall in the French Mediterranean [期刊论文]
CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 2019-01-01, 52 (1-2) : 1095-1114
Ribes, Aurelien;  Thao, Soulivanh;  Vautard, Robert;  Dubuisson, Brigitte;  Somot, Samuel;  Colin, Jeanne;  Planton, Serge;  Soubeyroux, Jean-Michel
Effects of snow pack reduction and drought on litter decomposition in subalpine grassland communities [期刊论文]
PLANT AND SOIL, 2019-01-01, 435 (1-2) : 225-238
Bernard, Lionel;  Foulquier, Arnaud;  Gallet, Christiane;  Lavorel, Sandra;  Clement, Jean-Christophe

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