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Climate impacts on hydropower in Colombia: A multi-model assessment of power sector adaptation pathways [期刊论文]
ENERGY POLICY, 2019-01-01, 128) : 179-188
Arango-Aramburo, Santiago;  Turner, Sean W. D.;  Daenzer, Kathryn;  Pablo Rios-Ocampo, Juan;  Hejazi, Mohamad I.;  Kober, Tom;  Alvarez-Espinosa, Andres C.;  Romero-Otalora, German D.;  van der Zwaan, Bob
Bark beetle pests in an altitudinal gradient of a Mexican managed forest [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2015-01-01, 343
Rubin-Aguirre A.;  Saenz-Romero C.;  Lindig-Cisneros R.;  del-Rio-Mora A.A.;  Tena-Morelos C.A.;  Campos-Bolaños R.;  del-Val E.
Climate change projections using the IPSL-CM5 Earth System Model: From CMIP3 to CMIP5 [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2013-01-01, 40 (2017-09-10
Dufresne J.-L.;  Foujols M.-A.;  Denvil S.;  Caubel A.;  Marti O.;  Aumont O.;  Balkanski Y.;  Bekki S.;  Bellenger H.;  Benshila R.;  Bony S.;  Bopp L.;  Braconnot P.;  Brockmann P.;  Cadule P.;  Cheruy F.;  Codron F.;  Cozic A.;  Cugnet D.;  de Noblet N.;  Duvel J.-P.;  Ethé C.;  Fairhead L.;  Fichefet T.;  Flavoni S.;  Friedlingstein P.;  Grandpeix J.-Y.;  Guez L.;  Guilyardi E.;  Hauglustaine D.;  Hourdin F.;  Idelkadi A.;  Ghattas J.;  Joussaume S.;  Kageyama M.;  Krinner G.;  Labetoulle S.;  Lahellec A.;  Lefebvre M.-P.;  Lefevre F.;  Levy C.;  Li Z.X.;  Lloyd J.;  Lott F.;  Madec G.;  Mancip M.;  Marchand M.;  Masson S.;  Meurdesoif Y.;  Mignot J.;  Musat I.;  Parouty S.;  Polcher J.;  Rio C.;  Schulz M.;  Swingedouw D.;  Szopa S.;  Talandier C.;  Terray P.;  Viovy N.;  Vuichard N.