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Carbenium ion-mediated oligomerization of methylglyoxal for secondary organic aerosol formation [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (24
Ji Y.;  Shi Q.;  Li Y.;  An T.;  Zheng J.;  Peng J.;  Gao Y.;  Chen J.;  Li G.;  Wang Y.;  Zhang F.;  Zhang A.L.;  Zhao J.;  Molina M.J.;  Zhang R.
Late-spring frost risk between 1959 and 2017 decreased in North America but increased in Europe and Asia [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (22
Zohner C.M.;  Mo L.;  Renner S.S.;  Svenning J.-C.;  Vitasse Y.;  Benito B.M.;  Ordonez A.;  Baumgarten F.;  Bastin J.-F.;  Sebald V.;  Reich P.B.;  Liang J.;  Nabuurs G.-J.;  De-Migueln S.;  Alberti G.;  Antón-Fernández C.;  Balazy R.;  Brändli U.-B.;  Chen H.Y.H.;  Chisholm C.;  Cienciala E.;  Dayanandan S.;  Fayle T.M.;  Frizzera L.;  Gianelle D.;  Jagodzinski A.M.;  Jaroszewicz B.;  Jucker T.;  Kepfer-Rojas S.;  Khan M.L.;  Kim H.S.;  Korjus H.;  Johannsen V.K.;  Laarmann D.;  Langn M.;  Zawila-Niedzwiecki T.;  Niklaus P.A.;  Paquette A.;  Pretzsch H.;  Saikia P.;  Schall P.;  Seben V.;  Svoboda M.;  Tikhonova E.;  Viana H.;  Zhang C.;  Zhao X.;  Crowther T.W.
Are China's water bodies (lakes) underestimated? [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (12
Zhang G.;  Chen W.;  Zheng G.;  Xie H.;  Shum C.K.
An unexpected catalyst dominates formation and radiative forcing of regional haze [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (8
Zhang F.;  Wang Y.;  Peng J.;  Chen L.;  Sun Y.;  Duan L.;  Ge X.;  Li Y.;  Zhao J.;  Liu C.;  Zhang X.;  Zhang G.;  Pan Y.;  Wang Y.;  Zhang A.L.;  Ji Y.;  Wang G.;  Hu M.;  Molina M.J.;  Zhang R.
African climate response to orbital and glacial forcing in 140;000-y simulation with implications for early modern human environments [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (5
Kutzbach J.E.;  Guan J.;  He F.;  Cohen A.S.;  Orland I.J.;  Chen G.
Soil moisture and hydrology projections of the permafrost region-a model intercomparison [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2020-01-01, 14 (2
Andresen C.G.;  Lawrence D.M.;  Wilson C.J.;  David McGuire A.;  Koven C.;  Schaefer K.;  Jafarov E.;  Peng S.;  Chen X.;  Gouttevin I.;  Burke E.;  Chadburn S.;  Ji D.;  Chen G.;  Hayes D.;  Zhang W.
Weathering dynamics of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs): A case study from the Lesotho Highlands [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020-01-01, 530
Chen Y.;  Hedding D.W.;  Li X.;  Greyling A.C.;  Li G.
Corrigendum to “Multi-stage exhumation history of the West Kunlun orogen and the amalgamation of the Tibetan Plateau” [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 528 (2019) 115833](S0012821X19305254)(10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115833) [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020-01-01, 530
Li G.;  Sandiford M.;  Fang A.;  Kohn B.;  Sandiford D.;  Fu B.;  Zhang T.;  Cao Y.;  Chen F.
Differential ice volume and orbital modulation of Quaternary moisture patterns between Central and East Asia [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020-01-01, 530
Li G.;  Yang H.;  Stevens T.;  Zhang X.;  Zhang H.;  Wei H.;  Zheng W.;  Li L.;  Liu X.;  Chen J.;  Xia D.;  Oldknow C.;  Ye W.;  Chen F.
Complex structure of upper mantle beneath the Yadong-Gulu rift in Tibet revealed by S-to-P converted waves [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020-01-01, 531
Liu Z.;  Tian X.;  Yuan X.;  Liang X.;  Chen Y.;  Zhu G.;  Zhang H.;  Li W.;  Tan P.;  Zuo S.;  Wu C.;  Nie S.;  Wang G.;  Yu G.;  Zhou B.

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