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Brief communication: Spatial and temporal variations in surface snow chemistry along a traverse from coastal East Antarctica to the ice sheet summit (Dome A) [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (2
Shi G.;  Ma H.;  Hu Z.;  Chen Z.;  An C.;  Jiang S.;  Li Y.;  Ma T.;  Yu J.;  Wang D.;  Lu S.;  Sun B.;  G. Hastings M.
Methane pathways in winter ice of a thermokarst lake-lagoon-coastal water transect in north Siberia [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (3
Spangenberg I.;  Paul Overduin P.;  Damm E.;  Bussmann I.;  Meyer H.;  Liebner S.;  Angelopoulos M.;  K. Biskaborn B.;  N. Grigoriev M.;  Grosse G.
Thinning leads to calving-style changes at Bowdoin Glacier, Greenland [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (2
Van Dongen E.C.H.;  Jouvet G.;  Sugiyama S.;  Podolskiy E.A.;  Funk M.;  Benn D.I.;  Lindner F.;  Bauder A.;  Seguinot J.;  Leinss S.;  Walter F.
The 2020 glacial lake outburst flood at Jinwuco, Tibet: Causes, impacts, and implications for hazard and risk assessment [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (7
Zheng G.;  Mergili M.;  Emmer A.;  Allen S.;  Bao A.;  Guo H.;  Stoffel M.
Paleovegetation seesaw in Brazil since the Late Pleistocene: A multiproxy study of two biomes [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 563
Azevedo V.;  Strikis N.M.;  Novello V.F.;  Roland C.L.;  Cruz F.W.;  Santos R.V.;  Vuille M.;  Utida G.;  De Andrade F.R.D.;  Cheng H.;  Edwards R.L.
The 2018-ongoing Mayotte submarine eruption: Magma migration imaged by petrological monitoring [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 571
Berthod C.;  Médard E.;  Bachèlery P.;  Gurioli L.;  Di Muro A.;  Peltier A.;  Komorowski J.-C.;  Benbakkar M.;  Devidal J.-L.;  Langlade J.;  Besson P.;  Boudon G.;  Rose-Koga E.;  Deplus C.;  Le Friant A.;  Bickert M.;  Nowak S.;  Thinon I.;  Burckel P.;  Hidalgo S.;  Kaliwoda M.;  Jorry S.J.;  Fouquet Y.;  Feuillet N.
Holocene variability of East Asian summer monsoon as viewed from the speleothem δ18O records in central China [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 558
Cai Y.;  Cheng X.;  Ma L.;  Mao R.;  Breitenbach S.F.M.;  Zhang H.;  Xue G.;  Cheng H.;  Edwards R.L.;  An Z.
Imminent calving accelerated by increased instability of the Brunt Ice Shelf, in response to climate warming [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 572
Cheng Y.;  Xia M.;  Qiao G.;  Lv D.;  Li Y.;  Hai G.
Short duration of Early Permian Qiangtang-Panjal large igneous province: Implications for origin of the Neo-Tethys Ocean [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 568
Dan W.;  Wang Q.;  Murphy J.B.;  Zhang X.-Z.;  Xu Y.-G.;  White W.M.;  Jiang Z.-Q.;  Ou Q.;  Hao L.-L.;  Qi Y.
Deposition and erosion of a Light-Toned Yardang-forming unit of Mt Sharp, Gale crater, Mars [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 554
Dromart G.;  Le Deit L.;  Rapin W.;  Gasnault O.;  Le Mouélic S.;  Quantin-Nataf C.;  Mangold N.;  Rubin D.;  Lasue J.;  Maurice S.;  Newsom H.E.;  Pinet P.;  Scuderi L.;  Wiens R.C.

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