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Carbon emissions in countries that failed to ratify the intended nationally determined contributions: A case study of Kyrgyzstan [期刊论文]
Journal of Environmental Management, 2020-01-01, 255
Yang P.;  Cui C.;  Li L.;  Chen W.;  Shi Y.;  Mi Z.;  Guan D.
Identification of loci controlling adaptation in Chinese soya bean landraces via a combination of conventional and bioclimatic GWAS [期刊论文]
Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2020-01-01, 18 (2
Li Y.-H.;  Li D.;  Jiao Y.-Q.;  Schnable J.C.;  Li Y.-F.;  Li H.-H.;  Chen H.-Z.;  Hong H.-L.;  Zhang T.;  Liu B.;  Liu Z.-X.;  You Q.-B.;  Tian Y.;  Guo Y.;  Guan R.-X.;  Zhang L.-J.;  Chang R.-Z.;  Zhang Z.;  Reif J.;  Zhou X.-A.;  Schnable P.S.;  Qiu L.-J.
Coral reefs and growth dynamics of a low-angle Carboniferous platform: Records from Tianlin, southern China [期刊论文]
Sedimentary Geology, 2020-01-01, 396
Maillet M.;  Huang W.-T.;  Miao Z.-W.;  Gong E.-P.;  Guan C.-Q.;  Zhang Y.-L.;  Ueno K.;  Samankassou E.
Global COVID-19 pandemic demands joint interventions for the suppression of future waves [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (42
Li R.;  Chen B.;  Zhang T.;  Ren Z.;  Song Y.;  Xiao Y.;  Hou L.;  Cai J.;  Xu B.;  Li M.;  Chan K.K.Y.;  Tu Y.;  Yang M.;  Yang J.;  Liu Z.;  Shen C.;  Wang C.;  Xu L.;  Liu Q.;  Bao S.;  Zhang J.;  Bi Y.;  Bai Y.;  Deng K.;  Zhang W.;  Huang W.;  Whittington J.D.;  Stenseth N.C.;  Guan D.;  Gong P.;  Xu B.
An updated Vegetation Map of China (1:1000000) [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2020-01-01, 65 (13
Su Y.;  Guo Q.;  Hu T.;  Guan H.;  Jin S.;  An S.;  Chen X.;  Guo K.;  Hao Z.;  Hu Y.;  Huang Y.;  Jiang M.;  Li J.;  Li Z.;  Li X.;  Li X.;  Liang C.;  Liu R.;  Liu Q.;  Ni H.;  Peng S.;  Shen Z.;  Tang Z.;  Tian X.;  Wang X.;  Wang R.;  Xie Z.;  Xie Y.;  Xu X.;  Yang X.;  Yang Y.;  Yu L.;  Yue M.;  Zhang F.;  Ma K.