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The GFDL Global Atmosphere and Land Model AM4.0/LM4.0: 2. Model Description, Sensitivity Studies, and Tuning Strategies [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2018-01-01, 10 (3
Zhao M;  , Golaz J;  -C;  , Held I;  M;  , Guo H;  , Balaji V;  , Benson R;  , Chen J;  -H;  , Chen X;  , Donner L;  J;  , Dunne J;  P;  , Dunne K;  , Durachta J;  , Fan S;  -M;  , Freidenreich S;  M;  , Garner S;  T;  , Ginoux P;  , Harris L;  M;  , Horowitz L;  W;  , Krasting J;  P;  , Langenhorst A;  R;  , Liang Z;  , Lin P;  , Lin S;  -J;  , Malyshev S;  L;  , Mason E;  , Milly P;  C;  D;  , Ming Y;  , Naik V;  , Paulot F;  , Paynter D;  , Phillipps P;  , Radhakrishnan A;  , Ramaswamy V;  , Robinson T;  , Schwarzkopf D;  , Seman C;  J;  , Shevliakova E;  , Shen Z;  , Shin H;  , Silvers L;  G;  , Wilson J;  R;  , Winton M;  , Wittenberg A;  T;  , Wyman B;  , Xiang B
The GFDL Global Atmosphere and Land Model AM4.0/LM4.0: 1. Simulation Characteristics With Prescribed SSTs [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2018-01-01, 10 (3
Zhao M;  , Golaz J;  -C;  , Held I;  M;  , Guo H;  , Balaji V;  , Benson R;  , Chen J;  -H;  , Chen X;  , Donner L;  J;  , Dunne J;  P;  , Dunne K;  , Durachta J;  , Fan S;  -M;  , Freidenreich S;  M;  , Garner S;  T;  , Ginoux P;  , Harris L;  M;  , Horowitz L;  W;  , Krasting J;  P;  , Langenhorst A;  R;  , Liang Z;  , Lin P;  , Lin S;  -J;  , Malyshev S;  L;  , Mason E;  , Milly P;  C;  D;  , Ming Y;  , Naik V;  , Paulot F;  , Paynter D;  , Phillipps P;  , Radhakrishnan A;  , Ramaswamy V;  , Robinson T;  , Schwarzkopf D;  , Seman C;  J;  , Shevliakova E;  , Shen Z;  , Shin H;  , Silvers L;  G;  , Wilson J;  R;  , Winton M;  , Wittenberg A;  T;  , Wyman B;  , Xiang B
Parametric behaviors of CLUBB in simulations of low clouds in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2015-01-01, 7 (3
Guo Z;  , Wang M;  , Qian Y;  , Larson V;  E;  , Ghan S;  , Ovchinnikov M;  , A;  Bogenschutz P;  , Gettelman A;  , Zhou T
A multiscale modeling framework model (superparameterized CAM5) with a higher-order turbulence closure: Model description and low-cloud simulations [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2015-01-01, 7 (2
Wang M;  , Larson V;  E;  , Ghan S;  , Ovchinnikov M;  , Schanen D;  P;  , Xiao H;  , Liu X;  , Rasch P;  , Guo Z
A sensitivity analysis of cloud properties to CLUBB parameters in the single-column Community Atmosphere Model (SCAM5) [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2015-01-01, 6 (3
Guo Z;  , Wang M;  , Qian Y;  , Larson V;  E;  , Ghan S;  , Ovchinnikov M;  , Bogenschutz P;  A;  , Zhao C;  , Lin G;  , Zhou T