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Evaluation of latest GPM-Era high-resolution satellite precipitation products during the May 2017 Guangdong extreme rainfall event [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Research, 2019-01-01, 216
Zhang A.;  Xiao L.;  Min C.;  Chen S.;  Kulie M.;  Huang C.;  Liang Z.
Human-perceived temperature changes over South China: Long-term trends and urbanization effects [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Research, 2019-01-01, 215
Wang Y.;  Chen L.;  Song Z.;  Huang Z.;  Ge E.;  Lin L.;  Luo M.
Contribution of atmospheric moisture transport to winter Arctic warming [期刊论文]
International Journal of Climatology, 2019-01-01,
Hao M.;  Luo Y.;  Lin Y.;  Zhao Z.;  Wang L.;  Huang J.
Global NDVI patterns in response to atmospheric water vapor anomalies over the Indo-Pacific warm pool during April-June [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2019-01-01, 32 (4
Wang Z.;  Huang M.;  Wang R.;  Wang S.;  Liu X.;  Xie X.;  Liu Z.;  Gong H.;  Hao M.
Chilling and forcing temperatures interact to predict the onset of wood formation in Northern Hemisphere conifers [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2019-01-01, 25 (3
Delpierre N.;  Lireux S.;  Hartig F.;  Camarero J.J.;  Cheaib A.;  Čufar K.;  Cuny H.;  Deslauriers A.;  Fonti P.;  Gričar J.;  Huang J.-G.;  Krause C.;  Liu G.;  de Luis M.;  Mäkinen H.;  del Castillo E.M.;  Morin H.;  Nöjd P.;  Oberhuber W.;  Prislan P.;  Rossi S.;  Saderi S.M.;  Treml V.;  Vavrick H.;  Rathgeber C.B.K.
•OH Inactivation of Cyanobacterial Blooms and Degradation of Toxins in Drinking Water Treatment System [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2019-01-01, 154
Bai M.;  Zheng Q.;  Zheng W.;  Li H.;  Lin S.;  Huang L.;  Zhang Z.
Catalytic oxidation of diclofenac by hydroxylamine-enhanced Cu nanoparticles and the efficient neutral heterogeneous-homogeneous reactive copper cycle [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2019-01-01,
Xiang W.;  Zhou T.;  Wang Y.;  Huang M.;  Wu X.;  Mao J.;  Lu X.;  Zhang B.
Fractional removal of manganese and ammonia nitrogen from electrolytic metal manganese residue leachate using carbonate and struvite precipitation [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2019-01-01,
Shu J.;  Wu H.;  Chen M.;  Peng H.;  Li B.;  Liu R.;  Liu Z.;  Wang B.;  Huang T.;  Hu Z.
Long-term variation of phytoplankton biomass and physiology in Taihu lake as observed via MODIS satellite [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2019-01-01,
Huang C.;  Zhang Y.;  Huang T.;  Yang H.;  Li Y.;  Zhang Z.;  He M.;  Hu Z.;  Song T.;  Zhu A.-X.
2-Phosphonobutane-1,2,4-tricarboxylic acid (PBTCA) degradation by ozonation: Kinetics, phosphorus transformation, anti-precipitation property changes and phosphorus removal [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2019-01-01,
Xu Z.-B.;  Wang W.-L.;  Huang N.;  Wu Q.-Y.;  Lee M.-Y.;  Hu H.-Y.

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