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Factors contributing to soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification rates of forest soils in the Japanese archipelago [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2016-01-01, 361
Urakawa R.;  Ohte N.;  Shibata H.;  Isobe K.;  Tateno R.;  Oda T.;  Hishi T.;  Fukushima K.;  Inagaki Y.;  Hirai K.;  Oyanagi N.;  Nakata M.;  Toda H.;  Kenta T.;  Kuroiwa M.;  Watanabe T.;  Fukuzawa K.;  Tokuchi N.;  Ugawa S.;  Enoki T.;  Nakanishi A.;  Saigusa N.;  Yamao Y.;  Kotani A.
Robustness, uncertainties, and emergent constraints in the radiative responses of stratocumulus cloud regimes to future warming [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2016-01-01, 46 (2017-09-10
Tsushima Y.;  Ringer M.A.;  Koshiro T.;  Kawai H.;  Roehrig R.;  Cole J.;  Watanabe M.;  Yokohata T.;  Bodas-Salcedo A.;  Williams K.D.;  Webb M.J.
Lower-tropospheric mixing as a constraint on cloud feedback in a multiparameter multiphysics ensemble [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2016-01-01, 29 (17
Kamae Y.;  Shiogama H.;  Watanabe M.;  Ogura T.;  Yokohata T.;  Kimoto M.
Climatology of polar lows over the sea of Japan using the JRA-55 reanalysis [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2016-01-01, 29 (2
Yanase W.;  Niino H.;  Watanabe S.-I.I.;  Hodges K.;  Zahn M.;  Spengler T.;  Gurvich I.A.
Phosphorus as a driver of nitrogen limitation and sustained eutrophic conditions in Bolinao and Anda, Philippines, a mariculture-impacted tropical coastal area [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016-01-01, 105 (1
Ferrera C.M.;  Watanabe A.;  Miyajima T.;  San Diego-McGlone M.L.;  Morimoto N.;  Umezawa Y.;  Herrera E.;  Tsuchiya T.;  Yoshikai M.;  Nadaoka K.
A subsurface structure change associated with the eruptive activity at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, inferred from an accurately controlled source [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2015-01-01, 42 (13
Maeda Y.;  Yamaoka K.;  Miyamachi H.;  Watanabe T.;  Kunitomo T.;  Ikuta R.;  Yakiwara H.;  Iguchi M.
Diurnal variation of atmospheric electric field at the summit of Mount Fuji, Japan, distinctly different from the Carnegie curve in the summertime [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2015-01-01, 42 (8
Kamogawa M.;  Suzuki Y.;  Sakai R.;  Fujiwara H.;  Torii T.;  Kakinami Y.;  Watanabe Y.;  Sato R.;  Hashimoto S.;  Okochi H.;  Miura K.;  Yasuda H.;  Orihara Y.;  Suzuki T.
Recent slowdown of tropical upper tropospheric warming associated with Pacific climate variability [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2015-01-01, 42 (8
Kamae Y.;  Shiogama H.;  Watanabe M.;  Ishii M.;  Ueda H.;  Kimoto M.
Volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere of Mexico City [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2015-01-01, 119
Garzón J;  P;  , Huertas J;  I;  , Magaña M;  , Huertas M;  E;  , Cárdenas B;  , Watanabe T;  , Maeda T;  , Wakamatsu S;  , Blanco S
Clouds, circulation and climate sensitivity [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2015-01-01, 8 (4
Bony S.;  Stevens B.;  Frierson D.M.W.;  Jakob C.;  Kageyama M.;  Pincus R.;  Shepherd T.G.;  Sherwood S.C.;  Siebesma A.P.;  Sobel A.H.;  Watanabe M.;  Webb M.J.

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