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Day and night variation in chemical composition and toxicological responses of size segregated urban air PM samples in a high air pollution situation [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2015-01-01, 120
Jalava P;  I;  , Wang Q;  , Kuuspalo K;  , Ruusunen J;  , Hao L;  , Fang D;  , Väisänen O;  , Ruuskanen A;  , Sippula O;  , Happo M;  S;  , Uski O;  , Kasurinen S;  , Torvela T;  , Koponen H;  , Lehtinen K;  E;  J;  , Komppula M;  , Gu C;  , Jokiniemi J;  , Hirvonen M;  -R
Toxicological effects of particulate emissions - A comparison of oil and wood fuels in small- and medium-scale heating systems [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2015-01-01, 103
Kasurinen S;  , Jalava P;  I;  , Tapanainen M;  , Uski O;  , Happo M;  S;  , Mäki-Paakkanen J;  , Lamberg H;  , Koponen H;  , Nuutinen I;  , Kortelainen M;  , Jokiniemi J;  , Hirvonen M;  -R
Different toxic mechanisms are activated by emission PM depending on combustion efficiency [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2014-01-01, 89
Uski O;  , Jalava P;  I;  , Happo M;  S;  , Leskinen J;  , Sippula O;  , Tissari J;  , Mäki-Paakkanen J;  , Jokiniemi J;  , Hirvonen M;  -R