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Moving beyond water centricity? Conceptualizing integrated water resources management for implementing sustainable development goals [期刊论文]
Sustainability Science, 2020-01-01, 15 (2
Benson D.;  Gain A.K.;  Giupponi C.
Three-dimensional velocity and concentration measurements and simulations of a scaled Jack Rabbit II mock urban array [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 233
Owkes M.;  Benson M.;  Elkins C.;  Wilde N.;  Van Poppel B.
Detailed magnetic resonance imaging measurements of a contaminant dispersed in an Oklahoma City model [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 222
Benson M.;  Wilde N.;  Brown A.;  Elkins C.
Three-dimensional velocity and concentration measurements and simulations of a scaled Jack Rabbit II mock urban array [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 233
Owkes M.;  Benson M.;  Elkins C.;  Wilde N.;  Van Poppel B.
Detailed magnetic resonance imaging measurements of a contaminant dispersed in an Oklahoma City model [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 222
Benson M.;  Wilde N.;  Brown A.;  Elkins C.
CO2 Wettability of Sandstones: Addressing Conflicting Capillary Behaviors [期刊论文]
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2019-01-01, 46 (2) : 776-782
Garing, C.;  Benson, S. M.
The Tropical Atlantic Observing System [期刊论文]
Foltz, G. R.;  Brandt, P.;  Richter, I;  Rodriguez-Fonsecao, B.;  Hernandez, F.;  Dengler, M.;  Rodrigues, R. R.;  Schmidt, J. O.;  Yu, L.;  Lefevre, N.;  Da Cunha, L. Cotrim;  Mcphaden, M. J.;  Araujo, M.;  Karstensen, J.;  Hahn, J.;  Martin-Rey, M.;  Patricola, C. M.;  Poli, P.;  Zuidema, P.;  Hummels, R.;  Perez, R. C.;  Hatje, V;  Luebbecke, J. F.;  Palo, I;  Lumpkin, R.;  Bourles, B.;  Asuquo, F. E.;  Lehodey, P.;  Conchon, A.;  Chang, P.;  Dandin, P.;  Schmid, C.;  Sutton, A.;  Giordani, H.;  Xue, Y.;  Illig, S.;  Losada, T.;  Grodsky, S. A.;  Gasparinss, F.;  Lees, T.;  Mohino, E.;  Nobre, P.;  Wanninkhof, R.;  Keenlyside, N.;  Garcon, V;  Sanchez-Gomez, E.;  Nnamchi, H. C.;  Drevillon, M.;  Storto, A.;  Remy, E.;  Lazar, A.;  Speich, S.;  Goes, M.;  Dorrington, T.;  Johns, W. E.;  Moum, J. N.;  Robinson, C.;  Perruches, C.;  de Souza, R. B.;  Gaye, A. T.;  Lopez-Paragess, J.;  Monerie, P-A;  Castellanos, P.;  Benson, N. U.;  Hounkonnou, M. N.;  Trotte Duha, J.;  Laxenairess, R.;  Reul, N.
The GFDL Global Atmosphere and Land Model AM4.0/LM4.0: 2. Model Description, Sensitivity Studies, and Tuning Strategies [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2018-01-01, 10 (3
Zhao M;  , Golaz J;  -C;  , Held I;  M;  , Guo H;  , Balaji V;  , Benson R;  , Chen J;  -H;  , Chen X;  , Donner L;  J;  , Dunne J;  P;  , Dunne K;  , Durachta J;  , Fan S;  -M;  , Freidenreich S;  M;  , Garner S;  T;  , Ginoux P;  , Harris L;  M;  , Horowitz L;  W;  , Krasting J;  P;  , Langenhorst A;  R;  , Liang Z;  , Lin P;  , Lin S;  -J;  , Malyshev S;  L;  , Mason E;  , Milly P;  C;  D;  , Ming Y;  , Naik V;  , Paulot F;  , Paynter D;  , Phillipps P;  , Radhakrishnan A;  , Ramaswamy V;  , Robinson T;  , Schwarzkopf D;  , Seman C;  J;  , Shevliakova E;  , Shen Z;  , Shin H;  , Silvers L;  G;  , Wilson J;  R;  , Winton M;  , Wittenberg A;  T;  , Wyman B;  , Xiang B
The GFDL Global Atmosphere and Land Model AM4.0/LM4.0: 1. Simulation Characteristics With Prescribed SSTs [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2018-01-01, 10 (3
Zhao M;  , Golaz J;  -C;  , Held I;  M;  , Guo H;  , Balaji V;  , Benson R;  , Chen J;  -H;  , Chen X;  , Donner L;  J;  , Dunne J;  P;  , Dunne K;  , Durachta J;  , Fan S;  -M;  , Freidenreich S;  M;  , Garner S;  T;  , Ginoux P;  , Harris L;  M;  , Horowitz L;  W;  , Krasting J;  P;  , Langenhorst A;  R;  , Liang Z;  , Lin P;  , Lin S;  -J;  , Malyshev S;  L;  , Mason E;  , Milly P;  C;  D;  , Ming Y;  , Naik V;  , Paulot F;  , Paynter D;  , Phillipps P;  , Radhakrishnan A;  , Ramaswamy V;  , Robinson T;  , Schwarzkopf D;  , Seman C;  J;  , Shevliakova E;  , Shen Z;  , Shin H;  , Silvers L;  G;  , Wilson J;  R;  , Winton M;  , Wittenberg A;  T;  , Wyman B;  , Xiang B
Carbon sequestration in the deep Atlantic enhanced by Saharan dust [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2017-01-01, 10 (3
Pabortsava K.;  Lampitt R.S.;  Benson J.;  Crowe C.;  McLachlan R.;  Le Moigne F.A.C.;  Mark Moore C.;  Pebody C.;  Provost P.;  Rees A.P.;  Tilstone G.H.;  Woodward E.M.S.

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