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Forest and woodland replacement patterns following drought-related mortality [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (47
Batllori E.;  Lloret F.;  Aakala T.;  Anderegg W.R.L.;  Aynekulu E.;  Bendixsen D.P.;  Bentouati A.;  Bigler C.;  Burk C.J.;  Camarero J.J.;  Colangelo M.;  Coop J.D.;  Fensham R.;  Floyd M.L.;  Galiano L.;  Ganey J.L.;  Gonzalez P.;  Jacobsen A.L.;  Kane J.M.;  Kitzberger T.;  Linares J.C.;  Marchetti S.B.;  Matusick G.;  Michaelia M.;  Navarro-Cerrillo R.M.;  Pratt R.B.;  Redmond M.D.;  Rigling A.;  Ripullone F.;  Sangüesa-Barreda G.;  Sasal Y.;  Saura-Mas S.;  Suarez M.L.;  Veblen T.T.;  Vilà-Cabrera A.;  Vincke C.;  Zeeman B.
Growth of plants on the Late Weichselian ice-sheet during Greenland interstadial-1? [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018-01-01, 185
Zale R.;  Huang Y.-T.;  Bigler C.;  Wood J.R.;  Dalén L.;  Wang X.-R.;  Segerström U.;  Klaminder J.
Regional Holocene climate and landscape changes recorded in the large subarctic lake Torneträsk, N Fennoscandia [期刊论文]
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2017-01-01,
Meyer-Jacob C.;  Bindler R.;  Bigler C.;  Leng M.J.;  Lowick S.E.;  Vogel H.
A synthesis of radial growth patterns preceding tree mortality [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2017-01-01, 23 (4
Cailleret M.;  Jansen S.;  Robert E.M.R.;  Desoto L.;  Aakala T.;  Antos J.A.;  Beikircher B.;  Bigler C.;  Bugmann H.;  Caccianiga M.;  Čada V.;  Camarero J.J.;  Cherubini P.;  Cochard H.;  Coyea M.R.;  Čufar K.;  Das A.J.;  Davi H.;  Delzon S.;  Dorman M.;  Gea-Izquierdo G.;  Gillner S.;  Haavik L.J.;  Hartmann H.;  Hereş A.-M.;  Hultine K.R.;  Janda P.;  Kane J.M.;  Kharuk V.I.;  Kitzberger T.;  Klein T.;  Kramer K.;  Lens F.;  Levanic T.;  Linares Calderon J.C.;  Lloret F.;  Lobo-Do-Vale R.;  Lombardi F.;  López Rodríguez R.;  Mäkinen H.;  Mayr S.;  Mészáros I.;  Metsaranta J.M.;  Minunno F.;  Oberhuber W.;  Papadopoulos A.;  Peltoniemi M.;  Petritan A.M.;  Rohner B.;  Sangüesa-Barreda G.;  Sarris D.;  Smith J.M.;  Stan A.B.;  Sterck F.;  Stojanović D.B.;  Suarez M.L.;  Svoboda M.;  Tognetti R.;  Torres-Ruiz J.M.;  Trotsiuk V.;  Villalba R.;  Vodde F.;  Westwood A.R.;  Wyckoff P.H.;  Zafirov N.;  Martínez-Vilalta J.
Drought and frost contribute to abrupt growth decreases before tree mortality in nine temperate tree species [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2016-01-01, 382
Vanoni M.;  Bugmann H.;  Nötzli M.;  Bigler C.
Structural patterns of beech and silver fir suggest stability and resilience of the virgin forest Sinca in the Southern Carpathians, Romania [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2015-01-01, 356
Petritan I.C.;  Commarmot B.;  Hobi M.L.;  Petritan A.M.;  Bigler C.;  Abrudan I.V.;  Rigling A.
Disentangling the effects of competition and climate on individual tree growth: A retrospective and dynamic approach in Scots pine [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2015-01-01, 358
Sánchez-Salguero R.;  Linares J.C.;  Camarero J.J.;  Madrigal-González J.;  Hevia A.;  Sánchez-Miranda Á.;  Ballesteros-Cánovas J.A.;  Alfaro-Sánchez R.;  García-Cervigón A.I.;  Bigler C.;  Rigling A.
Late-Holocene climate variability and ecosystem responses in Alaska inferred from high-resolution multiproxy sediment analyses at Grizzly Lake [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015-01-01, 126
Tinner W.;  Beer R.;  Bigler C.;  Clegg B.F.;  Jones R.T.;  Kaltenrieder P.;  van Raden U.J.;  Gilli A.;  Hu F.S.
Spatial interactions between storm damage and subsequent infestations by the European spruce bark beetle [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2014-01-01, 318
Stadelmann G.;  Bugmann H.;  Wermelinger B.;  Bigler C.
Consistently dated records from the Greenland GRIP, GISP2 and NGRIP ice cores for the past 104ka reveal regional millennial-scale δ18O gradients with possible Heinrich event imprint [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2014-01-01, 106
Seierstad I.K.;  Abbott P.M.;  Bigler M.;  Blunier T.;  Bourne A.J.;  Brook E.;  Buchardt S.L.;  Buizert C.;  Clausen H.B.;  Cook E.;  Dahl-Jensen D.;  Davies S.M.;  Guillevic M.;  Johnsen S.J.;  Pedersen D.S.;  Popp T.J.;  Rasmussen S.O.;  Severinghaus J.P.;  Svensson A.;  Vinther B.M.

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