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Manage fire regimes, not fires [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2021-01-01, 14 (7
Cochrane M.A.;  Bowman D.M.J.S.
Biomass consumption by surface fires across Earth's most fire prone continent [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2019-01-01, 25 (1
Murphy B.P.;  Prior L.D.;  Cochrane M.A.;  Williamson G.J.;  Bowman D.M.J.S.
Burning questions about ecosystems [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2019-01-01, 12 (2
Cochrane M.A.
Flux of Particulate Elements in the North Atlantic Ocean Constrained by Multiple Radionuclides [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2018-01-01, 32 (12
Hayes C.T.;  Black E.E.;  Anderson R.F.;  Baskaran M.;  Buesseler K.O.;  Charette M.A.;  Cheng H.;  Cochran J.K.;  Edwards R.L.;  Fitzgerald P.;  Lam P.J.;  Lu Y.;  Morris S.O.;  Ohnemus D.C.;  Pavia F.J.;  Stewart G.;  Tang Y.
Fire and edge effects in a fragmented tropical forest landscape in the southwestern Amazon [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2017-01-01, 401
Numata I.;  Silva S.S.;  Cochrane M.A.;  d'Oliveira M.V.
Denial of long-term issues with agriculture on tropical peatlands will have devastating consequences [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2017-01-01, 23 (3
Wijedasa L.S.;  Jauhiainen J.;  Könönen M.;  Lampela M.;  Vasander H.;  Leblanc M.-C.;  Evers S.;  Smith T.E.L.;  Yule C.M.;  Varkkey H.;  Lupascu M.;  Parish F.;  Singleton I.;  Clements G.R.;  Aziz S.A.;  Harrison M.E.;  Cheyne S.;  Anshari G.Z.;  Meijaard E.;  Goldstein J.E.;  Waldron S.;  Hergoualc'h K.;  Dommain R.;  Frolking S.;  Evans C.D.;  Posa M.R.C.;  Glaser P.H.;  Suryadiputra N.;  Lubis R.;  Santika T.;  Padfield R.;  Kurnianto S.;  Hadisiswoyo P.;  Lim T.W.;  Page S.E.;  Gauci V.;  Van Der Meer P.J.;  Buckland H.;  Garnier F.;  Samuel M.K.;  Choo L.N.L.K.;  O'Reilly P.;  Warren M.;  Suksuwan S.;  Sumarga E.;  Jain A.;  Laurance W.F.;  Couwenberg J.;  Joosten H.;  Vernimmen R.;  Hooijer A.;  Malins C.;  Cochrane M.A.;  Perumal B.;  Siegert F.;  Peh K.S.-H.;  Comeau L.-P.;  Verchot L.;  Harvey C.F.;  Cobb A.;  Jaafar Z.;  Wösten H.;  Manuri S.;  Müller M.;  Giesen W.;  Phelps J.;  Yong D.L.;  Silvius M.;  Wedeux B.M.M.;  Hoyt A.;  Osaki M.;  Hirano T.;  Takahashi H.;  Kohyama T.S.;  Haraguchi A.;  Nugroho N.P.;  Coomes D.A.;  Quoi L.P.;  Dohong A.;  Gunawan H.;  Gaveau D.L.A.;  Langner A.;  Lim F.K.S.;  Edwards D.P.;  Giam X.;  Van Der Werf G.;  Carmenta R.;  Verwer C.C.;  Gibson L.;  Gandois L.;  Graham L.L.B.;  Regalino J.;  Wich S.A.;  Rieley J.;  Kettridge N.;  Brown C.;  Pirard R.;  Moore S.;  Capilla B.R.;  Ballhorn U.;  Ho H.C.;  Hoscilo A.;  Lohberger S.;  Evans T.A.;  Yulianti N.;  Blackham G.;  Onrizal;  Husson S.;  Murdiyarso D.;  Pangala S.;  Cole L.E.S.;  Tacconi L.;  Segah H.;  Tonoto P.;  Lee J.S.H.;  Schmilewski G.;  Wulffraat S.;  Putra E.I.;  Cattau M.E.;  Clymo R.S.;  Morrison R.;  Mujahid A.;  Miettinen J.;  Liew S.C.;  Valpola S.;  Wilson D.;  D'Arcy L.;  Gerding M.;  Sundari S.;  Thornton S.A.;  Kalisz B.;  Chapman S.J.;  Su A.S.M.;  Basuki I.;  Itoh M.;  Traeholt C.;  Sloan S.;  Sayok A.K.;  Andersen R.
From global to regional and back again: Common climate stressors of marine ecosystems relevant for adaptation across five ocean warming hotspots [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2016-01-01, 22 (6
Popova E.;  Yool A.;  Byfield V.;  Cochrane K.;  Coward A.C.;  Salim S.S.;  Gasalla M.A.;  Henson S.A.;  Hobday A.J.;  Pecl G.T.;  Sauer W.H.;  Roberts M.J.
Quantification of MODIS fire radiative power (FRP) measurement uncertainty for use in satellite-based active fire characterization and biomass burning estimation [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (6
Freeborn P.H.;  Wooster M.J.;  Roy D.P.;  Cochrane M.A.