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A community-based geological reconstruction of Antarctic Ice Sheet deglaciation since the Last Glacial Maximum [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2014-01-01, 100
Bentley M.J.;  Ocofaigh C.;  Anderson J.B.;  Conway H.;  Davies B.;  Graham A.G.C.;  Hillenbrand C.-D.;  Hodgson D.A.;  Jamieson S.S.R.;  Larter R.D.;  Mackintosh A.;  Smith J.A.;  Verleyen E.;  Ackert R.P.;  Bart P.J.;  Berg S.;  Brunstein D.;  Canals M.;  Colhoun E.A.;  Crosta X.;  Dickens W.A.;  Domack E.;  Dowdeswell J.A.;  Dunbar R.;  Ehrmann W.;  Evans J.;  Favier V.;  Fink D.;  Fogwill C.J.;  Glasser N.F.;  Gohl K.;  Golledge N.R.;  Goodwin I.;  Gore D.B.;  Greenwood S.L.;  Hall B.L.;  Hall K.;  Hedding D.W.;  Hein A.S.;  Hocking E.P.;  Jakobsson M.;  Johnson J.S.;  Jomelli V.;  Jones R.S.;  Klages J.P.;  Kristoffersen Y.;  Kuhn G.;  Leventer A.;  Licht K.;  Lilly K.;  Lindow J.;  Livingstone S.J.;  Massé G.;  McGlone M.S.;  McKay R.M.;  Melles M.;  Miura H.;  Mulvaney R.;  Nel W.;  Nitsche F.O.;  O'Brien P.E.;  Post A.L.;  Roberts S.J.;  Saunders K.M.;  Selkirk P.M.;  Simms A.R.;  Spiegel C.;  Stolldorf T.D.;  Sugden D.E.;  van der Putten N.;  van Ommen T.;  Verfaillie D.;  Vyverman W.;  Wagner B.;  White D.A.;  Witus A.E.;  Zwartz D.
Terrestrial and submarine evidence for the extent and timing of the Last Glacial Maximum and the onset of deglaciation on the maritime-Antarctic and sub-Antarctic islands [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2014-01-01, 100
Hodgson D.A.;  Graham A.G.C.;  Roberts S.J.;  Bentley M.J.;  Cofaigh C.T.;  Verleyen E.;  Vyverman W.;  Jomelli V.;  Favier V.;  Brunstein D.;  Verfaillie D.;  Colhoun E.A.;  Saunders K.M.;  Selkirk P.M.;  Mackintosh A.;  Hedding D.W.;  Nel W.;  Hall K.;  McGlone M.S.;  Van der Putten N.;  Dickens W.A.;  Smith J.A.