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Wildlife Crime----Study for the ENVI Committee [研究报告]
10.2861/451062Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2016-01-01
Dr. Stephan Sina;  Christiane Gerstetter;  Lucas Porsch;  Ennid Roberts LLM;  Lucy Olivia Smith;  Katharina Klaas
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Proposals for Reforming the EU Effort Sharing Decision [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2016-01-01
Dr. Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf;  Dr. Ralph Bodle, LLM;  Matthias Duwe;  Ennid Roberts LLM;  Dr. Ana Frelih-Larsen
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Compliance with EU 2030 Renewable Energy Targets: How to Fill a Gap [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2016-01-01
Dr. Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf;  Ennid Roberts LLM
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EU Accession to CITES----Main Issues and Positions for the 17th COP [研究报告]
10.2861/1567Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2016-01-01
McKenna Davis;  Lucy Olivia Smith;  Ennid Roberts LLM;  Dr. Stephan Sina
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Legal Instruments to Implement the Objective "Land Degradation Neutral World" in International Law [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2015-01-01
Susanne Altvater, Ass.iur.;  Ennid Roberts LLM;  Elizabeth Dooley JD, LLM
European Governance and the Low-Carbon Pathway----Analysis of challenges and opportunities arising from overlaps between climate and energy policy and from centralisation of climate policies [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2015-01-01
Dr. Camilla Bausch;  Ennid Roberts LLM;  Lena Donat LLM;  Christine Lucha
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Designing Institutions, Structures and Mechanisms to Facilitate the Linking of Emissions Trading Schemes [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2015-01-01
Benjamin Görlach;  Michael Mehling, LLM;  Ennid Roberts LLM
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Monthly Progress Updates of Climate Policy Developments in the EU Member States [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2014-01-01
Eike Karola Velten;  Lena Donat LLM;  Matthias Duwe;  Andreas Prahl;  Ennid Roberts LLM;  Andreas Graf
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Assessment of Climate Change Policies in the Context of the European Semester - 2014----28 Country Reports 2014 [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2014-01-01
Eike Karola Velten;  Matthias Duwe;  Lena Donat LLM;  Andreas Prahl;  Ennid Roberts LLM;  Andreas Graf
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Criteria for Evaluating Climate Policy Scenarios [研究报告]
Ecologic Institute, Germany. 2014-01-01
Lena Donat LLM;  Ennid Roberts LLM;  Matthias Duwe
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