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Plants, microorganisms, and soil temperatures contribute to a decrease in methane fluxes on a drained Arctic floodplain [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2017-01-01, 23 (6
Kwon M.J.;  Beulig F.;  Ilie I.;  Wildner M.;  Küsel K.;  Merbold L.;  Mahecha M.D.;  Zimov N.;  Zimov S.A.;  Heimann M.;  Schuur E.A.G.;  Kostka J.E.;  Kolle O.;  Hilke I.;  Göckede M.
Shifted energy fluxes, increased Bowen ratios, and reduced thaw depths linked with drainage-induced changes in permafrost ecosystem structure [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2017-01-01, 11 (6
Göckede M;  , Kittler F;  , Jung Kwon M;  , Burjack I;  , Heimann M;  , Kolle O;  , Zimov N;  , Zimov S
Early snowmelt significantly enhances boreal springtime carbon uptake [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017-01-01, 114 (42
Pulliainen J.;  Aurela M.;  Laurila T.;  Aalto T.;  Takala M.;  Salminen M.;  Kulmala M.;  Barr A.;  Heimann M.;  Lindroth A.;  Laaksonen A.;  Derksen C.;  Mäkelä A.;  Markkanen T.;  Lemmetyinen J.;  Susiluoto J.;  Dengel S.;  Mammarella I.;  Tuovinen J.-P.;  Vesala T.
Source attribution of air pollution by spatial scale separation using high spatial density networks of low cost air quality sensors [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2015-01-01, 113
Heimann I;  , Bright V;  B;  , McLeod M;  W;  , Mead M;  I;  , Popoola O;  A;  M;  , Stewart G;  B;  , Jones R;  L
Three decades of global methane sources and sinks [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2013-01-01, 6 (10
Kirschke S.;  Bousquet P.;  Ciais P.;  Saunois M.;  Canadell J.G.;  Dlugokencky E.J.;  Bergamaschi P.;  Bergmann D.;  Blake D.R.;  Bruhwiler L.;  Cameron-Smith P.;  Castaldi S.;  Chevallier F.;  Feng L.;  Fraser A.;  Heimann M.;  Hodson E.L.;  Houweling S.;  Josse B.;  Fraser P.J.;  Krummel P.B.;  Lamarque J.-F.;  Langenfelds R.L.;  Le Quéré C.;  Naik V.;  O'doherty S.;  Palmer P.I.;  Pison I.;  Plummer D.;  Poulter B.;  Prinn R.G.;  Rigby M.;  Ringeval B.;  Santini M.;  Schmidt M.;  Shindell D.T.;  Simpson I.J.;  Spahni R.;  Steele L.P.;  Strode S.A.;  Sudo K.;  Szopa S.;  Van Der Werf G.R.;  Voulgarakis A.;  Van Weele M.;  Weiss R.F.;  Williams J.E.;  Zeng G.