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Arctic hydroclimate variability during the last 2000 years: Current understanding and research challenges [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2018-01-01, 14 (4
Linderholm H.W.;  Nicolle M.;  Francus P.;  Gajewski K.;  Helama S.;  Korhola A.;  Solomina O.;  Yu Z.;  Zhang P.;  D'Andrea W.J.;  Debret M.;  Divine D.V.;  Gunnarson B.E.;  Loader N.J.;  Massei N.;  Seftigen K.;  Thomas E.K.;  Werner J.;  Andersson S.;  Berntsson A.;  Luoto T.P.;  Nevalainen L.;  Saarni S.;  Väliranta M.
Climate variability in the subarctic area for the last 2 millennia [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2018-01-01, 14 (1
Nicolle M.;  Debret M.;  Massei N.;  Colin C.;  Devernal A.;  Divine D.;  Werner J.P.;  Hormes A.;  Korhola A.;  Linderholm H.W.
Links between multidecadal and interdecadal climatic oscillations in the North Atlantic and regional climate variability of northern France and England since the 17th century [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 2013-01-01, 118 (10
Dieppois B.;  Durand A.;  Fournier M.;  Massei N.
Quasi-decadal signals of Sahel rainfall and West African monsoon since the mid-twentieth century [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 2013-01-01, 118 (22
Dieppois B.;  Diedhiou A.;  Durand A.;  Fournier M.;  Massei N.;  Sebag D.;  Xue Y.;  Fontaine B.
Dramatic changes in a phytoplankton community in response to local and global pressures: A 24-year survey of the river Loire (France) [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2013-01-01, 19 (5
Larroudé S.;  Massei N.;  Reyes-Marchant P.;  Delattre C.;  Humbert J.F.