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Reviewing the material and metal security of low-carbon energy transitions [期刊论文]
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020-01-01, 124
Lee J.;  Bazilian M.;  Sovacool B.;  Hund K.;  Jowitt S.M.;  Nguyen T.P.;  Månberger A.;  Kah M.;  Greene S.;  Galeazzi C.;  Awuah-Offei K.;  Moats M.;  Tilton J.;  Kukoda S.
Synthesis and evaluation of historical meridional heat transport from midlatitudes towards the Arctic [期刊论文]
Earth System Dynamics, 2020-01-01, 11 (1
Liu Y.;  Attema J.;  Moat B.;  Hazeleger W.
The climatic challenge: Which plants will people use in the next century? [期刊论文]
Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2020-01-01, 170
Borrell J.S.;  Dodsworth S.;  Forest F.;  Pérez-Escobar O.A.;  Lee M.A.;  Mattana E.;  Stevenson P.C.;  Howes M.-J.R.;  Pritchard H.W.;  Ballesteros D.;  Kusumoto B.;  Ondo I.;  Moat J.;  Milliken W.;  Ryan P.;  Ulian T.;  Pironon S.
Least concern to endangered: Applying climate change projections profoundly influences the extinction risk assessment for wild Arabica coffee [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2019-01-01, 25 (2
Moat J.;  Gole T.W.;  Davis A.P.
Key Uncertainties in the Recent Air-Sea Flux of CO2 [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2019-01-01, 33 (12
Woolf D.K.;  Shutler J.D.;  Goddijn-Murphy L.;  Watson A.J.;  Chapron B.;  Nightingale P.D.;  Donlon C.J.;  Piskozub J.;  Yelland M.J.;  Ashton I.;  Holding T.;  Schuster U.;  Girard-Ardhuin F.;  Grouazel A.;  Piolle J.-F.;  Warren M.;  Wrobel-Niedzwiecka I.;  Land P.E.;  Torres R.;  Prytherch J.;  Moat B.;  Hanafin J.;  Ardhuin F.;  Paul F.
Prediction of enteric methane production, yield, and intensity in dairy cattle using an intercontinental database [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2018-01-01, 24 (8
Niu M.;  Kebreab E.;  Hristov A.N.;  Oh J.;  Arndt C.;  Bannink A.;  Bayat A.R.;  Brito A.F.;  Boland T.;  Casper D.;  Crompton L.A.;  Dijkstra J.;  Eugène M.A.;  Garnsworthy P.C.;  Haque M.N.;  Hellwing A.L.F.;  Huhtanen P.;  Kreuzer M.;  Kuhla B.;  Lund P.;  Madsen J.;  Martin C.;  McClelland S.C.;  McGee M.;  Moate P.J.;  Muetzel S.;  Muñoz C.;  O'Kiely P.;  Peiren N.;  Reynolds C.K.;  Schwarm A.;  Shingfield K.J.;  Storlien T.M.;  Weisbjerg M.R.;  Yáñez-Ruiz D.R.;  Yu Z.
Recent multivariate changes in the North Atlantic climate system, with a focus on 2005–2016 [期刊论文]
International Journal of Climatology, 2018-01-01, 38 (14
Robson J.;  Sutton R.T.;  Archibald A.;  Cooper F.;  Christensen M.;  Gray L.J.;  Holliday N.P.;  Macintosh C.;  McMillan M.;  Moat B.;  Russo M.;  Tilling R.;  Carslaw K.;  Desbruyères D.;  Embury O.;  Feltham D.L.;  Grosvenor D.P.;  Josey S.;  King B.;  Lewis A.;  McCarthy G.D.;  Merchant C.;  New A.L.;  O'Reilly C.H.;  Osprey S.M.;  Read K.;  Scaife A.;  Shepherd A.;  Sinha B.;  Smeed D.;  Smith D.;  Ridout A.;  Woollings T.;  Yang M.
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Native Plant Distributions in the Falkland Islands [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2016-01-01, 11 (11
Rebecca Upson;  Jennifer J. Williams;  Tim P. Wilkinson;  Colin P. Clubbe;  Ilya M. D. Maclean;  Jim H. McAdam;  Justin F. Moat
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Re-evaluating the resource potential of lomas fog oasis environments for Preceramic hunter-gatherers under past ENSO modes on the south coast of Peru [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015-01-01, 129
Beresford-Jones D.;  Pullen A.G.;  Whaley O.Q.;  Moat J.;  Chauca G.;  Cadwallader L.;  Arce S.;  Orellana A.;  Alarcón C.;  Gorriti M.;  Maita P.K.;  Sturt F.;  Dupeyron A.;  Huaman O.;  Lane K.J.;  French C.
Innovative approaches to the preservation of forest trees [期刊论文]
Forest Ecology and Management, 2014-01-01, 333
Pritchard H.W.;  Moat J.F.;  Ferraz J.B.S.;  Marks T.R.;  Camargo J.L.C.;  Nadarajan J.;  Ferraz I.D.K.