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Importance of the informative content in the study area when regionalising rainfall-runoff model parameters: The role of nested catchments and gauging station density [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2020-01-01, 24 (11
Neri M.;  Parajka J.;  Toth E.
Why does a conceptual hydrological model fail to correctly predict discharge changes in response to climate change? [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2020-01-01, 24 (7
Duethmann D.;  Bloschl G.;  Parajka J.
Changing climate both increases and decreases European river floods [期刊论文]
NATURE, 2019-01-01, 573 (7772) : 108-+
Bloeschl, Guenter;  Hall, Julia;  Viglione, Alberto;  Perdigao, Rui A. P.;  Parajka, Juraj;  Merz, Bruno;  Lun, David;  Arheimer, Berit;  Aronica, Giuseppe T.;  Bilibashi, Ardian;  Bohac, Milon;  Bonacci, Ognjen;  Borga, Marco;  Canjevac, Ivan;  Castellarin, Attilio;  Chirico, Giovanni B.;  Claps, Pierluigi;  Frolova, Natalia;  Ganora, Daniele;  Gorbachova, Liudmyla;  Gul, Ali;  Hannaford, Jamie;  Harrigan, Shaun;  Kireeva, Maria;  Kiss, Andrea;  Kjeldsen, Thomas R.;  Kohnova, Silvia;  Koskela, Jarkko J.;  Ledvinka, Ondrej;  Macdonald, Neil;  Mavrova-Guirguinova, Maria;  Mediero, Luis;  Merz, Ralf;  Molnar, Peter;  Montanari, Alberto;  Murphy, Conor;  Osuch, Marzena;  Ovcharuk, Valeryia;  Radevski, Ivan;  Salinas, Jose L.;  Sauquet, Eric;  Sraj, Mojca;  Szolgay, Jan;  Volpi, Elena;  Wilson, Donna;  Zaimi, Klodian;  Zivkovic, Nenad
A large sample analysis of European rivers on seasonal river flow correlation and its physical drivers [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2019-01-01, 23 (1
Iliopoulou T.;  Aguilar C.;  Arheimer B.;  Bermúdez M.;  Bezak N.;  Ficchì A.;  Koutsoyiannis D.;  Parajka J.;  Polo M.J.;  Thirel G.;  Montanari A.
Joint editorial: Invigorating hydrological research through journal publications [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2018-01-01, 22 (11
Quinn N.;  Blöschl G.;  Bárdossy A.;  Castellarin A.;  Clark M.;  Cudennec C.;  Koutsoyiannis D.;  Lall U.;  Lichner L.;  Parajka J.;  Peters-Lidard C.D.;  Sander G.;  Savenije H.;  Smettem K.;  Vereecken H.;  Viglione A.;  Willems P.;  Wood A.;  Woods R.;  Xu C.-Y.;  Zehe E.
A geostatistical data-assimilation technique for enhancing macro-scale rainfall-runoff simulations [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2018-01-01, 22 (9
Pugliese A.;  Persiano S.;  Bagli S.;  Mazzoli P.;  Parajka J.;  Arheimer B.;  Capell R.;  Montanari A.;  Blöschl G.;  Castellarin A.
A three-pillar approach to assessing climate impacts on low flows [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2016-01-01, 20 (9
Laaha G;  , Parajka J;  , Viglione A;  , Koffler D;  , Haslinger K;  , Schöner W;  , Zehetgruber J;  , Blöschl G
Uncertainty contributions to low-flow projections in Austria [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2016-01-01, 20 (5
Parajka J;  , Paul Blaschke A;  , Blöschl G;  , Haslinger K;  , Hepp G;  , Laaha G;  , Schoner W;  , Trautvetter H;  , Viglione A;  , Zessner M
The Hydrological Open Air Laboratory (HOAL) in Petzenkirchen: A hypothesis-driven observatory [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2016-01-01, 20 (1
Blöschl G;  , Blaschke A;  P;  , Broer M;  , Bucher C;  , Carr G;  , Chen X;  , Eder A;  , Exner-Kittridge M;  , Farnleitner A;  , Flores-Orozco A;  , Haas P;  , Hogan P;  , Kazemi Amiri A;  , Oismüller M;  , Parajka J;  , Silasari R;  , Stadler P;  , Strauss P;  , Vreugdenhil M;  , Wagner W;  , Zessner M
Virtual laboratories: New opportunities for collaborative water science [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2015-01-01, 19 (4
Ceola S;  , Arheimer B;  , Baratti E;  , Blöschl G;  , Capell R;  , Castellarin A;  , Freer J;  , Han D;  , Hrachowitz M;  , Hundecha Y;  , Hutton C;  , Lindström G;  , Montanari A;  , Nijzink R;  , Parajka J;  , Toth E;  , Viglione A;  , Wagener T

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