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Responses of soil water storage and crop water use efficiency to changing climatic conditions: A lysimeter-based space-for-time approach [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2020-01-01, 24 (3
Groh J.;  Vanderborght J.;  Pütz T.;  Gründling R.;  Rupp H.;  Rahmati M.;  Sommer M.;  Sommer M.;  Vereecken H.;  Gerke H.H.
Time variability and uncertainty in the fraction of young water in a small headwater catchment [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2019-01-01, 23 (10
Paul Stockinger M.;  Reemt Bogena H.;  Lücke A.;  Stumpp C.;  Vereecken H.
Root growth, water uptake, and sap flow of winter wheat in response to different soil water conditions [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2018-01-01, 22 (4
Cai G;  , Vanderborght J;  , Langensiepen M;  , Schnepf A;  , Hüging H;  , Vereecken H
Joint editorial: Invigorating hydrological research through journal publications [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2018-01-01, 22 (11
Quinn N.;  Blöschl G.;  Bárdossy A.;  Castellarin A.;  Clark M.;  Cudennec C.;  Koutsoyiannis D.;  Lall U.;  Lichner L.;  Parajka J.;  Peters-Lidard C.D.;  Sander G.;  Savenije H.;  Smettem K.;  Vereecken H.;  Viglione A.;  Willems P.;  Wood A.;  Woods R.;  Xu C.-Y.;  Zehe E.
Root growth; water uptake; and sap flow of winter wheat in response to different soil water conditions [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2018-01-01, 22 (4
Cai G.;  Vanderborght J.;  Langensiepen M.;  Schnepf A.;  Hüging H.;  Vereecken H.
A meta-analysis of soil salinization effects on nitrogen pools, cycles and fluxes in coastal ecosystems [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2017-01-01, 23 (3
Zhou M.;  Butterbach-Bahl K.;  Vereecken H.;  Brüggemann N.
Stimulation of N2O emission by manure application to agricultural soils may largely offset carbon benefits: a global meta-analysis [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2017-01-01, 23 (10
Zhou M.;  Zhu B.;  Wang S.;  Zhu X.;  Vereecken H.;  Brüggemann N.
Elemental Composition of Natural Nanoparticles and Fine Colloids in European Forest Stream Waters and Their Role as Phosphorus Carriers [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2017-01-01, 31 (10
Gottselig N;  , Amelung W;  , Kirchner J;  W;  , Bol R;  , Eugster W;  , Granger S;  J;  , Hernández-Crespo C;  , Herrmann F;  , Keizer J;  J;  , Korkiakoski M;  , Laudon H;  , Lehner I;  , Löfgren S;  , Lohila A;  , Macleod C;  J;  A;  , Mölder M;  , Müller C;  , Nasta P;  , Nischwitz V;  , Paul-Limoges E;  , Pierret M;  C;  , Pilegaard K;  , Romano N;  , Sebastià M;  T;  , Stähli M;  , Voltz M;  , Vereecken H;  , Siemens J;  , Klumpp E
State and parameter estimation of two land surface models using the ensemble Kalman filter and the particle filter [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2017-01-01, 21 (9
Zhang H;  , Franssen H;  -J;  H;  , Han X;  , Vrugt J;  A;  , Vereecken H
Evaluation of a cosmic-ray neutron sensor network for improved land surface model prediction [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2017-01-01, 21 (5
Baatz R;  , Franssen H;  -J;  H;  , Han X;  , Hoar T;  , Reemt Bogena H;  , Vereecken H

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