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Effects of Scavenging, Entrainment, and Aqueous Chemistry on Peroxides and Formaldehyde in Deep Convective Outflow Over the Central and Southeast United States [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018-01-01, 123 (14
Bela M.M.;  Barth M.C.;  Toon O.B.;  Fried A.;  Ziegler C.;  Cummings K.A.;  Li Y.;  Pickering K.E.;  Homeyer C.R.;  Morrison H.;  Yang Q.;  Mecikalski R.M.;  Carey L.;  Biggerstaff M.I.;  Betten D.P.;  Alford A.A.
High-resolution NO2 observations from the Airborne Compact Atmospheric Mapper: Retrieval and validation [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2017-01-01, 122 (3
Lamsal L.N.;  Janz S.J.;  Krotkov N.A.;  Pickering K.E.;  Spurr R.J.D.;  Kowalewski M.G.;  Loughner C.P.;  Crawford J.H.;  Swartz W.H.;  Herman J.R.
Wet scavenging of soluble gases in DC3 deep convective storms using WRF-Chem simulations and aircraft observations [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2016-01-01, 121 (8
Bela M.M.;  Barth M.C.;  Toon O.B.;  Fried A.;  Homeyer C.R.;  Morrison H.;  Cummings K.A.;  Li Y.;  Pickering K.E.;  Allen D.J.;  Yang Q.;  Wennberg P.O.;  Crounse J.D.;  St Clair J.M.;  Teng A.P.;  O'Sullivan D.;  Huey L.G.;  Chen D.;  Liu X.;  Blake D.R.;  Blake N.J.;  Apel E.C.;  Hornbrook R.S.;  Flocke F.;  Campos T.;  Diskin G.
Mid-Pleistocene Hominin occupation at Elandsfontein, Western Cape, South Africa [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2013-01-01, 82
Braun D.R.;  Levin N.E.;  Stynder D.;  Herries A.I.R.;  Archer W.;  Forrest F.;  Roberts D.L.;  Bishop L.C.;  Matthews T.;  Lehmann S.B.;  Pickering R.;  Fitzsimmons K.E.