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Persistent Quaternary climate refugia are hospices for biodiversity in the Anthropocene [期刊论文]
Nature Climate Change, 2020-01-01, 10 (3
Brown S.C.;  Wigley T.M.L.;  Otto-Bliesner B.L.;  Rahbek C.;  Fordham D.A.
Amplified plant turnover in response to climate change forecast by Late Quaternary records [期刊论文]
Nature Climate Change, 2016-10-31, Volume:6) : Pages:1115;1119 (2016)
D. Nogué;  s-Bravo;  S. Veloz;  B. G. Holt;  J. Singarayer;  P. Valdes;  B. Davis;  S. C. Brewer;  J. ;  W. Williams;  C. Rahbek
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Tracking Animal Dispersal: From Individual Movement to Community Assembly and Global Range Dynamics [期刊论文]
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2016-01-01, 31 (3
Jønsson K.A.;  Tøttrup A.P.;  Borregaard M.K.;  Keith S.A.;  Rahbek C.;  Thorup K.
Continent-scale global change attribution in European birds - combining annual and decadal time scales [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2016-01-01, 22 (2
Jørgensen P.S.;  Böhning-Gaese K.;  Thorup K.;  Tøttrup A.P.;  Chylarecki P.;  Jiguet F.;  Lehikoinen A.;  Noble D.G.;  Reif J.;  Schmid H.;  van Turnhout C.;  Burfield I.J.;  Foppen R.;  Voříšek P.;  van Strien A.;  Gregory R.D.;  Rahbek C.