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Is Black Carbon an Unimportant Ice-Nucleating Particle in Mixed-Phase Clouds? [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018-01-01, 123 (8
Vergara-Temprado J.;  Holden M.A.;  Orton T.R.;  O'Sullivan D.;  Umo N.S.;  Browse J.;  Reddington C.;  Baeza-Romero M.T.;  Jones J.M.;  Lea-Langton A.;  Williams A.;  Carslaw K.S.;  Murray B.J.
Black-carbon absorption enhancement in the atmosphere determined by particle mixing state [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2017-01-01, 10 (3
Liu D.;  Whitehead J.;  Alfarra M.R.;  Reyes-Villegas E.;  Spracklen D.V.;  Reddington C.L.;  Kong S.;  Williams P.I.;  Ting Y.-C.;  Haslett S.;  Taylor J.W.;  Flynn M.J.;  Morgan W.T.;  McFiggans G.;  Coe H.;  Allan J.D.
The impact of European legislative and technology measures to reduce air pollutants on air quality, human health and climate [期刊论文]
Environmental Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 11 (2
S T Turnock;  E W Butt;  T B Richardson;  G W Mann;  C L Reddington;  P M Forster;  J Haywood;  M Crippa;  G Janssens-Maenhout;  C E Johnson;  N Bellouin;  K S Carslaw;  D V Spracklen
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Industrial concessions, fires and air pollution in Equatorial Asia [期刊论文]
Environmental Research Letters, 2015-01-01, 10 (9
D V Spracklen;  C L Reddington;  D L A Gaveau
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