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Snow cover duration trends observed at sites and predicted by multiple models [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2020-01-01, 14 (12
Essery R.;  Kim H.;  Wang L.;  Bartlett P.;  Boone A.;  Brutel-Vuilmet C.;  Burke E.;  Cuntz M.;  Decharme B.;  Dutra E.;  Fang X.;  Gusev Y.;  Hagemann S.;  Haverd V.;  Kontu A.;  Krinner G.;  Lafaysse M.;  Lejeune Y.;  Marke T.;  Marks D.;  Marty C.;  Menard C.B.;  Nasonova O.;  Nitta T.;  Pomeroy J.;  Schädler G.;  Semenov V.;  Smirnova T.;  Swenson S.;  Turkov D.;  Wever N.;  Yuan H.
Plio-Pleistocene paleosols: Loess-paleosol sequence studied in the Beregovoye section, the Crimean Peninsula [期刊论文]
CATENA, 2019-01-01, 172) : 590-618
Panin, P. G.;  Timireva, S. N.;  Konstantinov, E. A.;  Kalinin, P. I.;  Kononov, Yu. M.;  Alekseev, A. O.;  Semenov, V. V.
Changes in the Landscape and Climate of Eastern Europe in the Early Pleistocene [期刊论文]
Pisareva, V. V.;  Faustova, M. A.;  Zyuganova, I. S.;  Karpukhina, N. V.;  Zakharov, A. L.;  Konstantinov, E. A.;  Semenov, V. V.;  Kurbanov, R. N.
Intramonthly Variability of Daily Surface Air Temperature in Russia in 1970-2015 [期刊论文]
RUSSIAN METEOROLOGY AND HYDROLOGY, 2019-01-01, 44 (8) : 513-522
Babina, E. D.;  Semenov, V. A.
Similar estimates of temperature impacts on global wheat yield by three independent methods [期刊论文]
Nature Climate Change, 2016-09-12, Volume:6,Pages:1130–1136 (2016)
Bing Liu;  Senthold Asseng;  Christoph Mü;  ller;  Frank Ewert;  Joshua Elliott;  David ;  B. Lobell;  Pierre Martre;  Alex ;  C. Ruane;  Daniel Wallach;  James ;  W. Jones;  Cynthia Rosenzweig;  Pramod ;  K. Aggarwal;  Phillip ;  D. Alderman;  Jakarat Anothai;  Bruno Basso;  Christian Biernath;  Davide Cammarano;  Andy Challinor;  Delphine Deryng;  Giacomo ;  De Sanctis;  Jordi Doltra;  Elias Fereres;  Christian Folberth;  Margarita Garcia-Vila;  Sebastian Gayler;  Gerrit Hoogenboom;  Leslie ;  A. Hunt;  Roberto ;  C. Izaurralde;  Mohamed Jabloun;  Curtis ;  D. Jones;  Kurt ;  C. Kersebaum;  Bruce ;  A. Kimball;  Ann-Kristin Koehler;  Soora ;  Naresh Kumar;  Claas Nendel;  Garry ;  J. O’;  Leary;  ;  rgen ;  E. Olesen;  Michael ;  J. Ottman;  Taru Palosuo;  P. ;  V. ;  Vara Prasad;  Eckart Priesack;  Thomas ;  A. ;  M. Pugh;  Matthew Reynolds;  Ehsan ;  E. Rezaei;  Reimund ;  P. Rö;  tter;  Erwin Schmid;  Mikhail ;  A. Semenov;  Iurii Shcherbak;  Elke Stehfest;  Claudio ;  O. Stö;  ckle;  Pierre Stratonovitch;  Thilo Streck;  Iwan Supit;  Fulu Tao;  Peter Thorburn;  Katharina Waha;  Gerard ;  W. Wall;  Enli Wang;  Jeffrey ;  W. White;  Joost Wolf;  Zhigan Zhao;  Yan Zhu
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A new model for the electron pressure nongyrotropy in the outer electron diffusion region [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (20
Divin A.;  Semenov V.;  Korovinskiy D.;  Markidis S.;  Deca J.;  Olshevsky V.;  Lapenta G.
The Eastern Arctic Seas Encyclopedia [专著]
:Springer International Publishing, Springer, 2016-01-01
Zonn Igor S;  Kostianoy Andrey G;  Semenov Aleksandr V
Nonlinear winter atmospheric circulation response to Arctic sea ice concentration anomalies for different periods during 1966鈥?012 [期刊论文]
Environmental Research Letters, 2015-01-01, 10 (5
V A Semenov;  M Latif
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Large-basin hydrological response to climate model outputs: Uncertainty caused by internal atmospheric variability [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2015-01-01, 19 (6
Gelfan A;  , Semenov V;  A;  , Gusev E;  , Motovilov Y;  , Nasonova O;  , Krylenko I;  , Kovalev E
Limited Phylogeographic Signal in Sex-Linked and Autosomal Loci Despite Geographically, Ecologically, and Phenotypically Concordant Structure of mtDNA Variation in the Holarctic Avian Genus Eremophila [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2014-01-01, 9 (1
Sergei V. Drovetski;  Marko Raković;  Georgy Semenov;  Igor V. Fadeev;  Yaroslav A. Red’kin
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