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Seasonality of aerosol chemical composition at King Sejong Station (Antarctic Peninsula) in 2013 [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 223
Hong S.-B.;  Yoon Y.J.;  Becagli S.;  Gim Y.;  Chambers S.D.;  Park K.-T.;  Park S.-J.;  Traversi R.;  Severi M.;  Vitale V.;  Kim J.-H.;  Jang E.;  Crawford J.;  Griffiths A.D.
Seasonality of aerosol chemical composition at King Sejong Station (Antarctic Peninsula) in 2013 [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 223
Hong S.-B.;  Yoon Y.J.;  Becagli S.;  Gim Y.;  Chambers S.D.;  Park K.-T.;  Park S.-J.;  Traversi R.;  Severi M.;  Vitale V.;  Kim J.-H.;  Jang E.;  Crawford J.;  Griffiths A.D.
Volcanic synchronization of Dome Fuji and Dome C Antarctic deep ice cores over the past 216 kyr [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2015-01-01, 11 (10
Fujita S.;  Parrenin F.;  Severi M.;  Motoyama H.;  Wolff E.W.
Direct linking of Greenland and Antarctic ice cores at the Toba eruption (74 ka BP) [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2013-01-01, 9 (2
Svensson A.;  Bigler M.;  Blunier T.;  Clausen H.B.;  Dahl-Jensen D.;  Fischer H.;  Fujita S.;  Goto-Azuma K.;  Johnsen S.J.;  Kawamura K.;  Kipfstuhl S.;  Kohno M.;  Parrenin F.;  Popp T.;  Rasmussen S.O.;  Schwander J.;  Seierstad I.;  Severi M.;  Steffensen J.P.;  Udisti R.;  Uemura R.;  Vallelonga P.;  Vinther B.M.;  Wegner A.;  Wilhelms F.;  Winstrup M.
The Antarctic ice core chronology (AICC2012): An optimized multi-parameter and multi-site dating approach for the last 120 thousand years [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2013-01-01, 9 (4
Veres D.;  Bazin L.;  Landais A.;  Toyé Mahamadou Kele H.;  Lemieux-Dudon B.;  Parrenin F.;  Martinerie P.;  Blayo E.;  Blunier T.;  Capron E.;  Chappellaz J.;  Rasmussen S.O.;  Severi M.;  Svensson A.;  Vinther B.;  Wolff E.W.
An optimized multi-proxy, multi-site Antarctic ice and gas orbital chronology (AICC2012): 120-800 ka [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2013-01-01, 9 (4
Bazin L.;  Landais A.;  Lemieux-Dudon B.;  Toyé Mahamadou Kele H.;  Veres D.;  Parrenin F.;  Martinerie P.;  Ritz C.;  Capron E.;  Lipenkov V.;  Loutre M.-F.;  Raynaud D.;  Vinther B.;  Svensson A.;  Rasmussen S.O.;  Severi M.;  Blunier T.;  Leuenberger M.;  Fischer H.;  Masson-Delmotte V.;  Chappellaz J.;  Wolff E.
Continental-scale temperature variability during the past two millennia [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2013-01-01, 6 (5
Ahmed M.;  Anchukaitis K.J.;  Asrat A.;  Borgaonkar H.P.;  Braida M.;  Buckley B.M.;  Büntgen U.;  Chase B.M.;  Christie D.A.;  Cook E.R.;  Curran M.A.J.;  Diaz H.F.;  Esper J.;  Fan Z.-X.;  Gaire N.P.;  Ge Q.;  Gergis J.;  González-Rouco J.F.;  Goosse H.;  Grab S.W.;  Graham N.;  Graham R.;  Grosjean M.;  Hanhijärvi S.T.;  Kaufman D.S.;  Kiefer T.;  Kimura K.;  Korhola A.A.;  Krusic P.J.;  Lara A.;  Lézine A.-M.;  Ljungqvist F.C.;  Lorrey A.M.;  Luterbacher J.;  Masson-Delmotte V.;  McCarroll D.;  McConnell J.R.;  McKay N.P.;  Morales M.S.;  Moy A.D.;  Mulvaney R.;  Mundo I.A.;  Nakatsuka T.;  Nash D.J.;  Neukom R.;  Nicholson S.E.;  Oerter H.;  Palmer J.G.;  Phipps S.J.;  Prieto M.R.;  Rivera A.;  Sano M.;  Severi M.;  Shanahan T.M.;  Shao X.;  Shi F.;  Sigl M.;  Smerdon J.E.;  Solomina O.N.;  Steig E.J.;  Stenni B.;  Thamban M.;  Trouet V.;  Turney C.S.M.;  Umer M.;  van Ommen T.;  Verschuren D.;  Viau A.E.;  Villalba R.;  Vinther B.M.;  Von Gunten L.;  Wagner S.;  Wahl E.R.;  Wanner H.;  Werner J.P.;  White J.W.C.;  Yasue K.;  Zorita E.
Volcanic synchronisation of the EPICA-DC and TALDICE ice cores for the last 42 kyr BP [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2012-01-01, 8 (2
Severi M.;  Udisti R.;  Becagli S.;  Stenni B.;  Traversi R.
Volcanic synchronisation between the EPICA Dome C and Vostok ice cores (Antarctica) 0-145 kyr BP [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2012-01-01, 8 (3
Parrenin F.;  Petit J.-R.;  Masson-Delmotte V.;  Wolff E.;  Basile-Doelsch I.;  Jouzel J.;  Lipenkov V.;  Rasmussen S.O.;  Schwander J.;  Severi M.;  Udisti R.;  Veres D.;  Vinther B.M.