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Cofactor-enabled functional expression of fruit fly; honeybee; and bumblebee nicotinic receptors reveals picomolar neonicotinoid actions [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (28
Ihara M.;  Furutani S.;  Shigetou S.;  Shimada S.;  Niki K.;  Komori Y.;  Kamiya M.;  Koizumi W.;  Magara L.;  Hikida M.;  Noguchi A.;  Okuhara D.;  Yoshinari Y.;  Kondo S.;  Tanimoto H.;  Niwa R.;  Sattelle D.B.;  Matsuda K.
NHM-SMAP: Spatially and temporally high-resolution nonhydrostatic atmospheric model coupled with detailed snow process model for Greenland Ice Sheet [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2018-01-01, 12 (2
Niwano M;  , Aoki T;  , Hashimoto A;  , Matoba S;  , Yamaguchi S;  , Tanikawa T;  , Fujita K;  , Tsushima A;  , Iizuka Y;  , Shimada R;  , Hori M
Modeling ocean-cryosphere interactions off adélie and George V Land, East Antarctica [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2017-01-01, 30 (1
Kusahara K.;  Hasumi H.;  Fraser A.D.;  Aoki S.;  Shimada K.;  Williams G.D.;  Massom R.;  Tamura T.
Adaptation of rice to climate change through a cultivar-based simulation: A possible cultivar shift in eastern Japan [期刊论文]
Climate Research, 2015-01-01, 64 (3
Yoshida R.;  Fukui S.;  Shimada T.;  Hasegawa T.;  Ishigooka Y.;  Takayabu I.;  Iwasaki T.
Antarctic bottom water production from the Vincennes Bay Polynya, East Antarctica [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (10
Kitade Y.;  Shimada K.;  Tamura T.;  Williams G.D.;  Aoki S.;  Fukamachi Y.;  Roquet F.;  Hindell M.;  Ushio S.;  Ohshima K.I.