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The U.S. Department of Defense's Earned Value Management–Analyst Workforce [研究报告]
10.7249/RR1254RAND Corporation. 2016-01-01
Stephanie Young;  Daniel Tremblay;  Roland J. Yardley
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The U.S. Department of Defense's Earned Value Management–Analyst Workforce [研究报告]
10.7249/RR1254RAND Corporation. 2016-01-01
Stephanie Young;  Daniel Tremblay;  Roland J. Yardley
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Measuring Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP) Performance: Capacities, Capabilities, and Sustainability Enablers for Biorisk Management and Biosurveillance [研究报告]
10.7249/RR660RAND Corporation. 2014-01-01
Stephanie Young;  Henry H. Willis;  Melinda Moore;  Jeffrey Engstrom
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Measuring Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP) Performance: Capacities, Capabilities, and Sustainability Enablers for Biorisk Management and Biosurveillance [研究报告]
10.7249/RR660RAND Corporation. 2014-01-01
Stephanie Young;  Henry H. Willis;  Melinda Moore;  Jeffrey Engstrom
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Indirect Human Impacts Reverse Centuries of Carbon Sequestration and Salt Marsh Accretion [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2014-01-01, 9 (3
Tyler C. Coverdale;  Caitlin P. Brisson;  Eric W. Young;  Stephanie F. Yin;  Jeffrey P. Donnelly;  Mark D. Bertness
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Workforce Planning in the Intelligence Community: A Retrospective [研究报告]
10.7249/RR114RAND Corporation. 2013-01-01
Charles Nemfakos;  Bernard D. Rostker;  Raymond E. Conley;  Stephanie Young;  William A. Williams;  Jeffrey Engstrom;  Barbara Bicksler;  Sara Beth Elson;  Joseph Jenkins;  Lianne Kennedy-Boudali;  et al.
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Ending the U.S. War in Iraq: The Final Transition, Operational Maneuver, and Disestablishment of United States Forces-Iraq [研究报告]
10.7249/RR232RAND Corporation. 2013-01-01
Rick Brennan;  Jr;  Charles P. Ries;  Larry Hanauer;  Ben Connable;  Terrence Kelly;  Michael J. McNerney;  Stephanie Young;  Jason H. Campbell;  K. Scott McMahon
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Optimizing the Defense Language Institute English Language Center [研究报告]
RAND Corporation. 2012-01-01
Thomas Manacapilli;  Jennifer D. P. Moroney;  Stephanie Pezard;  Sean Robson;  Joe Hogler;  Thomas Durrell-Young;  Timothy Jackson;  Tara L. Terry
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A Methodology for Implementing the Department of Defense's Current In-Sourcing Policy [研究报告]
RAND Corporation. 2011-01-01
Jessie Riposo;  Irv Blickstein;  Stephanie Young;  Geoffrey McGovern;  Brian McInnis
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