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The coupled Hf-Nd isotope record of the early Earth in the Pilbara Craton [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 572
Salerno R.;  Vervoort J.;  Fisher C.;  Kemp A.;  Roberts N.
Seeds of good anthropocenes: developing sustainability scenarios for Northern Europe [期刊论文]
Sustainability Science, 2020-01-01, 15 (2
Raudsepp-Hearne C.;  Peterson G.D.;  Bennett E.M.;  Biggs R.;  Norström A.V.;  Pereira L.;  Vervoort J.;  Iwaniec D.M.;  McPhearson T.;  Olsson P.;  Hichert T.;  Falardeau M.;  Aceituno A.J.
Evaluation of sources of uncertainty in projected hydrological changes under climate change in 12 large-scale river basins [期刊论文]
Climatic Change, 2017-01-01, 141 (3
Vetter T.;  Reinhardt J.;  Flörke M.;  van Griensven A.;  Hattermann F.;  Huang S.;  Koch H.;  Pechlivanidis I.G.;  Plötner S.;  Seidou O.;  Su B.;  Vervoort R.W.;  Krysanova V.
Challenges to scenario-guided adaptive action on food security under climate change [期刊论文]
Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, 2014-01-01, Volume 28 (September 2014) : Pages 383-394
Joost M. Vervoort;  Philip K. Thornton;  Patti Kristjanson;  Wiebke F?rch;  Polly J. Ericksen;  Kasper Kok;  John S.I. Ingram;  Mario Herrero;  Amanda Palazzo;  Ariella E.S. Helfgott;  Angela Wilkinson;  Petr Havlík;  Daniel Mason-D’Croz;  Chris Jost
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