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Spatial-temporal differentiation of eolian sediments in the Yarlung Tsangpo catchment, Tibetan Plateau, and response to global climate change since the Last Glaciation [期刊论文]
Geomorphology, 2020-01-01, 357
Ling Z.;  Yang S.;  Wang X.;  Wang J.;  Xia D.;  Chen F.
Diatom-based water-table reconstruction in Sphagnum peatlands of northeastern China [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2020-01-01, 174
Chen X.;  McGowan S.;  Bu Z.-J.;  Yang X.-D.;  Cao Y.-M.;  Bai X.;  Zeng L.-H.;  Liang J.;  Qiao Q.-L.
Model averaging for mapping topsoil organic carbon in France [期刊论文]
Geoderma, 2020-01-01, 366
Chen S.;  Mulder V.L.;  Heuvelink G.B.M.;  Poggio L.;  Caubet M.;  Román Dobarco M.;  Walter C.;  Arrouays D.
Particle radiation-induced dysregulation of protein homeostasis in primary human and mouse neuronal cells [期刊论文]
Life Sciences in Space Research, 2020-01-01, 25
Shaler T.;  Lin H.;  Bakke J.;  Chen S.;  Grover A.;  Chang P.
Gravimetry-based water storage shifting over the China-India border area controlled by regional climate variability [期刊论文]
Science of the Total Environment, 2020-01-01, 714
Chun K.P.;  He Q.;  Fok H.S.;  Ghosh S.;  Yetemen O.;  Chen Q.;  Mijic A.
Variation of the Asian summer monsoon since the last glacial-interglacial recorded in a stalagmite from southwest China [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2020-01-01, 234
Wu Y.;  Li T.-Y.;  Yu T.-L.;  Shen C.-C.;  Chen C.-J.;  Zhang J.;  Li J.-Y.;  Wang T.;  Huang R.;  Xiao S.-Y.
Levels and variations of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen among forests in a hotspot region of high nitrogen deposition [期刊论文]
Science of the Total Environment, 2020-01-01, 713
Ma T.-Y.;  Liu X.-Y.;  Xu S.-Q.;  Guo H.-R.;  Huang H.;  Hu C.-C.;  Wu D.;  Sun Z.-C.;  Chen C.-J.;  Song W.
Biophysical controls on nocturnal sap flow in plantation forests in a semi-arid region of northern China [期刊论文]
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020-01-01, 284
Chen Z.;  Zhang Z.;  Sun G.;  Chen L.;  Xu H.;  Chen S.
δ30Si and δ18O of multiple silica phases in chert: Implications for δ30Siseawater of Darriwilian seawater and sea surface temperatures [期刊论文]
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2020-01-01, 544
Chen K.;  Lü X.;  Qian Y.;  Wu S.;  Dong S.
Mechanisms of nitrous oxide emission during photoelectrotrophic denitrification by self-photosensitized Thiobacillus denitrificans [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2020-01-01, 172
Chen M.;  Zhou X.;  Chen X.;  Cai Q.;  Zeng R.J.;  Zhou S.

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