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Whole genome analyses reveal significant convergence in obsessive-compulsive disorder between humans and dogs [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (2
Cao X.;  Liu W.-P.;  Cheng L.-G.;  Li H.-J.;  Wu H.;  Liu Y.-H.;  Chen C.;  Xiao X.;  Li M.;  Wang G.-D.;  Zhang Y.-P.
Interfacial stabilization for inverted perovskite solar cells with long-term stability [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (10
Chen W.;  Han B.;  Hu Q.;  Gu M.;  Zhu Y.;  Yang W.;  Zhou Y.;  Luo D.;  Liu F.-Z.;  Cheng R.;  Zhu R.;  Feng S.-P.;  Djurišić A.B.;  Russell T.P.;  He Z.
Embryonic exposure to hyper glucocorticoids suppresses brown fat development and thermogenesis via REDD1 [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (5
Chen Y.-T.;  Hu Y.;  Yang Q.-Y.;  Liu X.-D.;  Son J.S.;  de Avila J.M.;  Zhu M.-J.;  Du M.
A monocot-specific hydroxycinnamoylputrescine gene cluster contributes to immunity and cell death in rice [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01,
Fang H.;  Shen S.;  Wang D.;  Zhang F.;  Zhang C.;  Wang Z.;  Zhou Q.;  Wang R.;  Tao H.;  He F.;  Yang C.;  Peng M.;  Jing X.;  Hao Z.;  Liu X.;  Luo J.;  Wang G.-L.;  Ning Y.
Perovskite-based tandem solar cells [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (6
Fang Z.;  Zeng Q.;  Zuo C.;  Zhang L.;  Xiao H.;  Cheng M.;  Hao F.;  Bao Q.;  Zhang L.;  Yuan Y.;  Wu W.-Q.;  Zhao D.;  Cheng Y.;  Tan H.;  Xiao Z.;  Yang S.;  Liu F.;  Jin Z.;  Yan J.;  Ding L.
Wide-bandgap perovskites for indoor photovoltaics [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01,
Feng M.;  Zuo C.;  Xue D.-J.;  Liu X.;  Ding L.
Polypeptide nanoformulation-induced immunogenic cell death and remission of immunosuppression for enhanced chemoimmunotherapy [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (4
Feng X.;  Xu W.;  Liu J.;  Li D.;  Li G.;  Ding J.;  Chen X.
Juvenile hormone membrane signaling phosphorylates USP and thus potentiates 20-hydroxyecdysone action in Drosophila [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01,
Gao Y.;  Liu S.;  Jia Q.;  Wu L.;  Yuan D.;  Li E.Y.;  Feng Q.;  Wang G.;  Palli S.R.;  Wang J.;  Li S.
Chromosome-scale genomes provide new insights into subspecies divergence and evolutionary characteristics of the giant panda [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01,
Guang X.;  Lan T.;  Wan Q.-H.;  Huang Y.;  Li H.;  Zhang M.;  Li R.;  Zhang Z.;  Lei Y.;  Zhang L.;  Zhang H.;  Li D.;  Li X.;  Li H.;  Xu Y.;  Qiao M.;  Wu D.;  Tang K.;  Zhao P.;  Lin J.-Q.;  Kumar Sahu S.;  Liang Q.;  Jiang W.;  Zhang D.;  Xu X.;  Liu X.;  Lisby M.;  Yang H.;  Kristiansen K.;  Liu H.;  Fang S.-G.
Big Earth Data: a practice of sustainability science to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (11
Guo H.;  Chen F.;  Sun Z.;  Liu J.;  Liang D.

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