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Variability of winter haze over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region tied to wind speed in the lower troposphere and particulate sources [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Research, 2019-01-01, 215
Shi P.;  Zhang G.;  Kong F.;  Chen D.;  Azorin-Molina C.;  Guijarro J.A.
Influence of dynamic and thermal forcing on the meridional transport of Taklimakan Desert dust in spring and summer [期刊论文]
Journal of Climate, 2019-01-01, 32 (3
Yuan T.;  Chen S.;  Huang J.;  Wu D.;  Lu H.;  Zhang G.;  Ma X.;  Chen Z.;  Luo Y.;  Ma X.
Nickel-catalyzed carboxylation of aryl zinc reagent with CO 2 : A theoretical and experimental study [期刊论文]
Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2019-01-01, 29
Wang J.;  Wang M.-Y.;  Yin G.;  Jia R.;  Wang J.;  Eglitis R.I.;  Zhang H.-X.
Utilization of CO 2 for aromatics production over ZnO/ZrO 2 -ZSM-5 tandem catalyst [期刊论文]
Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2019-01-01, 29
Zhang X.;  Zhang A.;  Jiang X.;  Zhu J.;  Liu J.;  Li J.;  Zhang G.;  Song C.;  Guo X.
Global wheat production with 1.5 and 2.0°C above pre-industrial warming [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2019-01-01, 25 (4
Liu B.;  Martre P.;  Ewert F.;  Porter J.R.;  Challinor A.J.;  Müller C.;  Ruane A.C.;  Waha K.;  Thorburn P.J.;  Aggarwal P.K.;  Ahmed M.;  Balkovič J.;  Basso B.;  Biernath C.;  Bindi M.;  Cammarano D.;  De Sanctis G.;  Dumont B.;  Espadafor M.;  Eyshi Rezaei E.;  Ferrise R.;  Garcia-Vila M.;  Gayler S.;  Gao Y.;  Horan H.;  Hoogenboom G.;  Izaurralde R.C.;  Jones C.D.;  Kassie B.T.;  Kersebaum K.C.;  Klein C.;  Koehler A.-K.;  Maiorano A.;  Minoli S.;  Montesino San Martin M.;  Naresh Kumar S.;  Nendel C.;  O’Leary G.J.;  Palosuo T.;  Priesack E.;  Ripoche D.;  Rötter R.P.;  Semenov M.A.;  Stöckle C.;  Streck T.;  Supit I.;  Tao F.;  Van der Velde M.;  Wallach D.;  Wang E.;  Webber H.;  Wolf J.;  Xiao L.;  Zhang Z.;  Zhao Z.;  Zhu Y.;  Asseng S.
Underestimated ecosystem carbon turnover time and sequestration under the steady state assumption: A perspective from long-term data assimilation [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2019-01-01, 25 (3
Ge R.;  He H.;  Ren X.;  Zhang L.;  Yu G.;  Smallman T.L.;  Zhou T.;  Yu S.-Y.;  Luo Y.;  Xie Z.;  Wang S.;  Wang H.;  Zhou G.;  Zhang Q.;  Wang A.;  Fan Z.;  Zhang Y.;  Shen W.;  Yin H.;  Lin L.
Effects of livestock grazing on grassland carbon storage and release override impacts associated with global climate change [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2019-01-01, 25 (3
Zhou G.;  Luo Q.;  Chen Y.;  He M.;  Zhou L.;  Frank D.;  He Y.;  Fu Y.;  Zhang B.;  Zhou X.
Ocean acidification increases iodine accumulation in kelp-based coastal food webs [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2019-01-01, 25 (2
Xu D.;  Brennan G.;  Xu L.;  Zhang X.W.;  Fan X.;  Han W.T.;  Mock T.;  McMinn A.;  Hutchins D.A.;  Ye N.
Climate change impact and adaptation for wheat protein [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2019-01-01, 25 (1
Asseng S.;  Martre P.;  Maiorano A.;  Rötter R.P.;  O’Leary G.J.;  Fitzgerald G.J.;  Girousse C.;  Motzo R.;  Giunta F.;  Babar M.A.;  Reynolds M.P.;  Kheir A.M.S.;  Thorburn P.J.;  Waha K.;  Ruane A.C.;  Aggarwal P.K.;  Ahmed M.;  Balkovič J.;  Basso B.;  Biernath C.;  Bindi M.;  Cammarano D.;  Challinor A.J.;  De Sanctis G.;  Dumont B.;  Eyshi Rezaei E.;  Fereres E.;  Ferrise R.;  Garcia-Vila M.;  Gayler S.;  Gao Y.;  Horan H.;  Hoogenboom G.;  Izaurralde R.C.;  Jabloun M.;  Jones C.D.;  Kassie B.T.;  Kersebaum K.-C.;  Klein C.;  Koehler A.-K.;  Liu B.;  Minoli S.;  Montesino San Martin M.;  Müller C.;  Naresh Kumar S.;  Nendel C.;  Olesen J.E.;  Palosuo T.;  Porter J.R.;  Priesack E.;  Ripoche D.;  Semenov M.A.;  Stöckle C.;  Stratonovitch P.;  Streck T.;  Supit I.;  Tao F.;  Van der Velde M.;  Wallach D.;  Wang E.;  Webber H.;  Wolf J.;  Xiao L.;  Zhang Z.;  Zhao Z.;  Zhu Y.;  Ewert F.
Genome-centric metagenomics resolves microbial diversity and prevalent truncated denitrification pathways in a denitrifying PAO-enriched bioprocess [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2019-01-01, 155
Gao H.;  Mao Y.;  Zhao X.;  Liu W.-T.;  Zhang T.;  Wells G.

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