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Abundance and species diversity hotspots of tracked marine predators across the North American Arctic [期刊论文]
DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS, 2019-01-01, 25 (3) : 328-345
Yurkowski, David J.;  Auger-Methe, Marie;  Mallory, Mark L.;  Wong, Sarah N. P.;  Gilchrist, Grant;  Derocher, Andrew E.;  Richardson, Evan;  Lunn, Nicholas J.;  Hussey, Nigel E.;  Marcoux, Marianne;  Togunov, Ron R.;  Fisk, Aaron T.;  Harwood, Lois A.;  Dietz, Rune;  Rosing-Asvid, Aqqalu;  Born, Erik W.;  Mosbech, Anders;  Fort, Jerome;  Gremillet, David;  Loseto, Lisa;  Richard, Pierre R.;  Iacozza, John;  Jean-Gagnon, Frankie;  Brown, Tanya M.;  Westdal, Kristin H.;  Orr, Jack;  LeBlanc, Bernard;  Hedges, Kevin J.;  Treble, Margaret A.;  Kessel, Steven T.;  Blanchfield, Paul J.;  Davis, Shanti;  Maftei, Mark;  Spencer, Nora;  McFarlane-Tranquilla, Laura;  Montevecchi, William A.;  Bartzen, Blake;  Dickson, Lynne;  Anderson, Christine;  Ferguson, Steven H.
Australia's Long-Term Plankton Observations: The Integrated Marine Observing System National Reference Station Network [期刊论文]
Eriksen, Ruth S.;  Davies, Claire H.;  Bonham, Pru;  Coman, Frank E.;  Edgar, Steven;  McEnnulty, Felicity R.;  McLeod, David;  Miller, Margaret J.;  Rochester, Wayne;  Slotwinski, Anita;  Tonks, Mark L.;  Uribe-Palomino, Julian;  Richardson, Anthony J.
Increased Arctic sea ice drift alters adult female polar bear movements and energetics [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2017-01-01, 23 (9
Durner G.M.;  Douglas D.C.;  Albeke S.E.;  Whiteman J.P.;  Amstrup S.C.;  Richardson E.;  Wilson R.R.;  Ben-David M.
Correction: Phylogenetic Analysis Reveals a Cryptic Species Blastomyces gilchristii, sp. nov. within the Human Pathogenic Fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2016-01-01, 11 (12
Elizabeth M. Brown;  Lisa R. McTaggart;  Sean X. Zhang;  Donald E. Low;  David A. Stevens;  Susan E. Richardson
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A Vulnerability Assessment of Fish and Invertebrates to Climate Change on the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2016-01-01, 11 (2
Jonathan A. Hare;  Wendy E. Morrison;  Mark W. Nelson;  Megan M. Stachura;  Eric J. Teeters;  Roger B. Griffis;  Michael A. Alexander;  James D. Scott;  Larry Alade;  Richard J. Bell;  Antonie S. Chute;  Kiersten L. Curti;  Tobey H. Curtis;  Daniel Kircheis;  John F. Kocik;  Sean M. Lucey;  Camilla T. McCandless;  Lisa M. Milke;  David E. Richardson;  Eric Robillard;  Harvey J. Walsh;  M. Conor McManus;  Katrin E. Marancik;  Carolyn A. Griswold
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Vehicular Traffic–Related Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure and Breast Cancer Incidence: The Long Island Breast Cancer Study Project (LIBCSP) [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2016-01-01, Volume 124 (Issue 1
Irina Mordukhovich;  1 Jan Beyea;  2 Amy H. Herring;  3;  4 Maureen Hatch;  5 Steven D. Stellman;  6 Susan L. Teitelbaum;  7 David B. Richardson;  1 Robert C. Millikan;  1* Lawrence S. Engel;  1 Sumitra Shantakumar;  8 Susan E. Steck;  9 Alfred I. Neugut;  6;  10 Pavel Rossner Jr.;  11;  12 Regina M. Santella;  11;  Marilie D. Gammon1
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Final Technical Report. Supporting carbon cycle and earth systems modeling with measurements and analysis from the Howland AmeriFlux Site [研究报告]
Hollinger, David;  Davidson, E.;  Dail, D. B.;  Richardson, A.
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The integrated rangeland fire management strategy actionable science plan [研究报告]
Department of Interior. 2016-01-01
Aldridge, Cameron L.;  Berg, Ken;  Boyd, Chad S.;  Boyte, Stephen P.;  Bradford, John B.;  Brunson, Ed;  Cissel, John H.;  Conway, Courtney J.;  Chalfoun, Anna D.;  Chambers, Jeanne C.;  Clark, Patrick;  Coates, Peter S.;  Crist, Michele R.;  Davis, Dawn M.;  DeCrappeo, Nicole;  Deibert, Patricia A.;  Doherty, Kevin E.;  Evers, Louisa B.;  Finch, Deborah M.;  Finn, Sean P.;  Germino, Matthew J.;  Glenn, Nancy F.;  Gucker, Corey;  Hall, John A.;  Hanser, Steven E.;  Havlina, Douglas W.;  Heinrichs, Julie;  Heller, Matt;  Homer, Collin G.;  Hunter, Molly E.;  Jacobs, Ruth W.;  Karl, Jason W.;  Kearney, Richard;  Kemp, Susan K;  Kilkenny, Francis F.;  Knick, Steven T.;  Launchbaugh, Karen;  Manier, Daniel J.;  Mayer, Kenneth E.;  Meyer, Susan E.;  Monroe, Adrian P.;  MontBlanc, Eugénie;  Newingham, Beth A.;  Pellant, Michael L.;  Phillips, Susan L.;  Pilliod, David S.;  Ricca, Mark A.;  Richardson, Bryce A.;  Rose, Jeffrey A.;  Shaw, Nancy;  Sheley, Roger L.;  Shinneman, Douglas J.;  Wiechman , Lief A.;  Wylie, Bruce K.
Long-Term Changes in the Distributions of Larval and Adult Fish in the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2015-01-01, 10 (9
Harvey J. Walsh;  David E. Richardson;  Katrin E. Marancik;  Jonathan A. Hare
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IARC Monographs: 40 Years of Evaluating Carcinogenic Hazards to Humans [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2015-01-01, Volume 123 (Issue 6
Neil Pearce;  1 Aaron Blair;  2 Paolo Vineis;  3 Wolfgang Ahrens;  4 Aage;  ersen;  5 Josep M. Anto;  6 Bruce K. Armstrong;  7;  rea A. Baccarelli;  8 Frederick A. Bel;  9 Amy Berrington;  2 Pier Alberto Bertazzi;  10 Linda S. Birnbaum;  11 Ross C. Brownson;  12 John R. Bucher;  13 Kenneth P. Cantor;  14 Elisabeth Cardis;  15 John W. Cherrie;  16 David C. Christiani;  8 Pierluigi Cocco;  17 David Coggon;  18 Pietro Comba;  19 Paul A. Demers;  20 John M. Dement;  21 Jeroen Douwes;  22 Ellen A. Eisen;  23 Lawrence S. Engel;  24 Richard A. Fenske;  25 Lora E. Fleming;  26 Tony Fletcher;  27 Elizabeth Fontham;  28 Francesco Forastiere;  29 Rainer Frentzel-Beyme;  30 Lin Fritschi;  31 Michel Gerin;  32 Marcel Goldberg;  33 Philippe Gr;  jean;  34 Tom K. Grimsrud;  5 Per Gustavsson;  35;  y Haines;  27 Patricia Hartge;  2 Johnni Hansen;  36 Michael Hauptmann;  37 Dick Heederik;  38 Kari Hemminki;  39 Denis Hemon;  40 Irva Hertz-Picciotto;  41 Jane A. Hoppin;  42 James Huff;  43 Bengt Jarvholm;  44 Daehee Kang;  45 Margaret R. Karagas;  46 Kristina Kjaerheim;  5 Helge Kjuus;  47 Manolis Kogevinas;  48 David Kriebel;  49 Petter Kristensen;  47 Hans Kromhout;  38 Francine Laden;  8 Pierre Lebailly;  50 Grace LeMasters;  51 Jay H. Lubin;  2 Charles F. Lynch;  52 Elsebeth Lynge;  53;  rea ‘t Mannetje;  22 Anthony J. McMichael;  54;   John R. McLaughlin;  55 Loraine Marrett;  56 Marco Martuzzi;  57 James A. Merchant;  52 Enzo Merler;  58 Franco Merletti;  59 Anthony Miller;  60 Franklin E. Mirer;  61 Richard Monson;  8 Karl-Cristian Nordby;  47;  rew F. Olshan;  24 Marie-Elise Parent;  62 Frederica P. Perera;  63 Melissa J. Perry;  64 Angela Cecilia Pesatori;  10 Roberta Pirastu;  19 Miquel Porta;  65 Eero Pukkala;  66 Carol Rice;  67 David B. Richardson;  24 Leonard Ritter;  68 Beate Ritz;  69 Cecile M. Ronckers;  70 Lesley Rushton;  71 Jennifer A. Rusiecki;  72 Ivan Rusyn;  73 Jonathan M. Samet;  74 Dale P. S;  ler;  75 Silvia de Sanjose;  76 Eva Schernhammer;  8 Adele Seniori Costantini;  77 Noah Seixas;  25 Carl Shy;  24 Jack Siemiatycki;  78 Debra T. Silverman;  2 Lorenzo Simonato;  79 Allan H. Smith;  80 Martyn T. Smith;  81 John J. Spinelli;  82 Margaret R. Spitz;  83 Lorann Stallones;  84 Leslie T. Stayner;  85 Kyle Steenl;  86 Mark Stenzel;  87 Bernard W. Stewart;  88 Patricia A. Stewart;  89 Elaine Symanski;  90 Benedetto Terracini;  91 Paige E. Tolbert;  86 Harri Vainio;  92 John Vena;  93 Roel Vermeulen;  38 Cesar G. Victora;  94 Elizabeth M. Ward;  95 Clarice R. Weinberg;  96 Dennis Weisenburger;  97 Catharina Wesseling;  98 Elisabete Weiderpass;  99;  Shelia Hoar Zahm100
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