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Fjords as Aquatic Critical Zones (ACZs) [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2020-01-01, 203
Bianchi T.S.;  Arndt S.;  Austin W.E.N.;  Benn D.I.;  Bertrand S.;  Cui X.;  Faust J.C.;  Koziorowska-Makuch K.;  Moy C.M.;  Savage C.;  Smeaton C.;  Smith R.W.;  Syvitski J.
Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Australian arid-zone oniscidean isopods (Crustacea:Haloniscus) reveals strong regional endemicity and new putative species [期刊论文]
INVERTEBRATE SYSTEMATICS, 2019-01-01, 33 (3) : 556-574
Guzik, Michelle T.;  Stringer, Danielle N.;  Murphy, Nicholas P.;  Cooper, Steven J. B.;  Taiti, Stefano;  King, Rachael A.;  Humphreys, William F.;  Austin, Andrew D.
Internal waves influence the thermal and nutrient environment on a shallow coral reef [期刊论文]
LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY, 2019-01-01, 64 (5) : 1949-1965
Reid, Emma C.;  DeCarlo, Thomas M.;  Cohen, Anne L.;  Wong, George T. F.;  Lentz, Steven J.;  Safaie, Aryan;  Hall, Austin;  Davis, Kristen A.
Consistently dated Atlantic sediment cores over the last 40 thousand years [期刊论文]
SCIENTIFIC DATA, 2019-01-01, 6
Waelbroeck, Claire;  Lougheed, Bryan C.;  Riveiros, Natalia Vazquez;  Missiaen, Lise;  Pedro, Joel;  Dokken, Trond;  Hajdas, Irka;  Wacker, Lukas;  Abbott, Peter;  Dumoulin, Jean-Pascal;  Thil, Francois;  Eynaud, Frederique;  Rossignol, Linda;  Fersi, Wiem;  Albuquerque, Ana Luiza;  Arz, Helge;  Austin, William E. N.;  Came, Rosemarie;  Carlson, Anders E.;  Collins, James A.;  Dennielou, Bernard;  Desprat, Stephanie;  Dickson, Alex;  Elliot, Mary;  Farmer, Christa;  Giraudeau, Jacques;  Gottschalk, Julia;  Henderiks, Jorijntje;  Hughen, Konrad;  Jung, Simon;  Knutz, Paul;  Lebreiro, Susana;  Lund, David C.;  Lynch-Stieglitz, Jean;  Malaize, Bruno;  Marchitto, Thomas;  Martinez-Mendez, Gema;  Mollenhauer, Gesine;  Naughton, Filipa;  Nave, Silvia;  Nuernberg, Dirk;  Oppo, Delia;  Peck, Victoria;  Peeters, Frank J. C.;  Penaud, Aurelie;  Portilho-Ramos, Rodrigo da Costa;  Repschlaeger, Janne;  Roberts, Jenny;  Ruehlemann, Carsten;  Salgueiro, Emilia;  Goni, Maria Fernanda Sanchez;  Schonfeld, Joachim;  Scussolini, Paolo;  Skinner, Luke C.;  Skonieczny, Charlotte;  Thornalley, David;  Toucanne, Samuel;  Van Rooij, David;  Vidal, Laurence;  Voelker, Antje H. L.;  Wary, Melanie;  Weldeab, Syee;  Ziegler, Martin
Characteristics of peak streamflows and extent of inundation in areas of West Virginia and southwestern Virginia affected by flooding, June 2016 [研究报告]
10.3133/ofr20171140U.S. Geological Survey. 2018-01-01
Austin, Samuel H.;  Watson, Kara M.;  Lotspeich, R. Russell;  Cauller, Stephen J.;  White , Jeremy S.;  Wicklein, Shaun M.
What does the Paris Agreement mean for adaptation? [期刊论文]
Climate Policy, 2017-01-01, 17 (7
Lesnikowski A;  , Ford J;  , Biesbroek R;  , Berrang-Ford L;  , Maillet M;  , Araos M;  , Austin S;  E
Ambient air quality measurements from a continuously moving mobile platform: Estimation of area-wide, fuel-based, mobile source emission factors using absolute principal component scores [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2017-01-01, 152
Larson T;  , Gould T;  , Riley E;  A;  , Austin E;  , Fintzi J;  , Sheppard L;  , Yost M;  , Simpson C
The source of groundwater and solutes to Many Devils Wash at a former uranium mill site in Shiprock, New Mexico [研究报告]
10.3133/sir20165031U.S. Geological Survey. 2016-01-01
Robertson, Andrew J.;  Ranalli, Anthony J.;  Austin, Stephen A.;  Lawlis, Bryan R.
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Multimodel assessment of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: Extratropics [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 2016-01-01, 115 (20
Hegglin M.I.;  Gettelman A.;  Hoor P.;  Krichevsky R.;  Manney G.L.;  Pan L.L.;  Son S.-W.;  Stiller G.;  Tilmes S.;  Walker K.A.;  Eyring V.;  Shepherd T.G.;  Waugh D.;  Akiyoshi H.;  Añel J.A.;  Austin J.;  Baumgaertner A.;  Bekki S.;  Braesicke P.;  Brühl C.;  Butchart N.;  Chipperfield M.;  Dameris M.;  Dhomse S.;  Frith S.;  Garny H.;  Hardiman S.C.;  Jöckel P.;  Kinnison D.E.;  Lamarque J.F.;  Mancini E.;  Michou M.;  Morgenstern O.;  Nakamura T.;  Olivié D.;  Pawson S.;  Pitari G.;  Plummer D.A.;  Pyle J.A.;  Rozanov E.;  Scinocca J.F.;  Shibata K.;  Smale D.;  Teyssdre H.;  Tian W.;  Yamashita Y.
Community-based adaptation research in the Canadian Arctic [期刊论文]
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2016-01-01, 7 (2
Ford J;  D;  , Stephenson E;  , Cunsolo Willox A;  , Edge V;  , Farahbakhsh K;  , Furgal C;  , Harper S;  , Chatwood S;  , Mauro I;  , Pearce T;  , Austin S;  , Bunce A;  , Bussalleu A;  , Diaz J;  , Finner K;  , Gordon A;  , Huet C;  , Kitching K;  , Lardeau M;  -P;  , Mcdowell G;  , Mcdonald E;  , Nakoneczny L;  , Sherman M

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