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The future of Blue Carbon science [期刊论文]
Macreadie, Peter I.;  Anton, Andrea;  Raven, John A.;  Beaumont, Nicola;  Connolly, Rod M.;  Friess, Daniel A.;  Kelleway, Jeffrey J.;  Kennedy, Hilary;  Kuwae, Tomohiro;  Lavery, Paul S.;  Lovelock, Catherine E.;  Smale, Dan A.;  Apostolaki, Eugenia T.;  Atwood, Trisha B.;  Baldock, Jeff;  Bianchi, Thomas S.;  Chmura, Gail L.;  Eyre, Bradley D.;  Fourqurean, James W.;  Hall-Spencer, Jason M.;  Huxham, Mark;  Hendriks, Iris E.;  Krause-Jensen, Dorte;  Laffoley, Dan;  Luisetti, Tiziana;  Marba, Nuria;  Masque, Pere;  McGlathery, Karen J.;  Megonigal, J. Patrick;  Murdiyarso, Daniel;  Russell, Bayden D.;  Santos, Rui;  Serrano, Oscar;  Silliman, Brian R.;  Watanabe, Kenta;  Duarte, Carlos M.
Multimodel assessment of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: Extratropics [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 2016-01-01, 115 (20
Hegglin M.I.;  Gettelman A.;  Hoor P.;  Krichevsky R.;  Manney G.L.;  Pan L.L.;  Son S.-W.;  Stiller G.;  Tilmes S.;  Walker K.A.;  Eyring V.;  Shepherd T.G.;  Waugh D.;  Akiyoshi H.;  Añel J.A.;  Austin J.;  Baumgaertner A.;  Bekki S.;  Braesicke P.;  Brühl C.;  Butchart N.;  Chipperfield M.;  Dameris M.;  Dhomse S.;  Frith S.;  Garny H.;  Hardiman S.C.;  Jöckel P.;  Kinnison D.E.;  Lamarque J.F.;  Mancini E.;  Michou M.;  Morgenstern O.;  Nakamura T.;  Olivié D.;  Pawson S.;  Pitari G.;  Plummer D.A.;  Pyle J.A.;  Rozanov E.;  Scinocca J.F.;  Shibata K.;  Smale D.;  Teyssdre H.;  Tian W.;  Yamashita Y.
Reversal of global atmospheric ethane and propane trends largely due to US oil and natural gas production [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2016-01-01, 9 (7
Helmig D.;  Rossabi S.;  Hueber J.;  Tans P.;  Montzka S.A.;  Masarie K.;  Thoning K.;  Plass-Duelmer C.;  Claude A.;  Carpenter L.J.;  Lewis A.C.;  Punjabi S.;  Reimann S.;  Vollmer M.K.;  Steinbrecher R.;  Hannigan J.W.;  Emmons L.K.;  Mahieu E.;  Franco B.;  Smale D.;  Pozzer A.
Positive trends in Southern Hemisphere carbonyl sulfide [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2015-01-01, 42 (21
Kremser S.;  Jones N.B.;  Palm M.;  Lejeune B.;  Wang Y.;  Smale D.;  Deutscher N.M.
Large-Scale Geographic Variation in Distribution and Abundance of Australian Deep-Water Kelp Forests [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2015-01-01, 10 (2
Ezequiel M. Marzinelli;  Stefan B. Williams;  Russell C. Babcock;  Neville S. Barrett;  Craig R. Johnson;  Alan Jordan;  Gary A. Kendrick;  Oscar R. Pizarro;  Dan A. Smale;  Peter D. Steinberg
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Species traits and climate velocity explain geographic range shifts in an ocean-warming hotspot [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2015-01-01, 18 (9
Sunday J.M.;  Pecl G.T.;  Frusher S.;  Hobday A.J.;  Hill N.;  Holbrook N.J.;  Edgar G.J.;  Stuart-Smith R.;  Barrett N.;  Wernberg T.;  Watson R.A.;  Smale D.A.;  Fulton E.A.;  Slawinski D.;  Feng M.;  Radford B.T.;  Thompson P.A.;  Bates A.E.
Residency Patterns and Migration Dynamics of Adult Bull Sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) on the East Coast of Southern Africa [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2014-01-01, 9 (10
Ryan Daly;  Malcolm J. Smale;  Paul D. Cowley;  Pierre W. Froneman
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