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Corrigendum to “Development of a regional glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) temperature calibration for Antarctic and sub-Antarctic lakes” [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 433 (2016) 370–379] (Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2016) 433 (370–379), (S0012821X15007220), (10.1016/j.epsl.2015.11.018)) [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020-01-01, 542
Foster L.C.;  Pearson E.J.;  Juggins S.;  Hodgson D.A.;  Saunders K.M.;  Verleyen E.;  Roberts S.J.
Magmatic evolution in the N-Gondwana margin related to the opening of the Rheic Ocean—evidence from the Upper Parautochthon of the Galicia-Trás-os-Montes Zone and from the Central Iberian Zone (NW Iberian Massif) [期刊论文]
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2016-01-01, 105 (4
Dias da Silva Í.;  Díez Fernández R.;  Díez-Montes A.;  González Clavijo E.;  Foster D.A.
CTFS-ForestGEO: A worldwide network monitoring forests in an era of global change [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2015-01-01, 21 (2
Anderson-Teixeira K.J.;  Davies S.J.;  Bennett A.C.;  Gonzalez-Akre E.B.;  Muller-Landau H.C.;  Joseph Wright S.;  Abu Salim K.;  Almeyda Zambrano A.M.;  Alonso A.;  Baltzer J.L.;  Basset Y.;  Bourg N.A.;  Broadbent E.N.;  Brockelman W.Y.;  Bunyavejchewin S.;  Burslem D.F.R.P.;  Butt N.;  Cao M.;  Cardenas D.;  Chuyong G.B.;  Clay K.;  Cordell S.;  Dattaraja H.S.;  Deng X.;  Detto M.;  Du X.;  Duque A.;  Erikson D.L.;  Ewango C.E.N.;  Fischer G.A.;  Fletcher C.;  Foster R.B.;  Giardina C.P.;  Gilbert G.S.;  Gunatilleke N.;  Gunatilleke S.;  Hao Z.;  Hargrove W.W.;  Hart T.B.;  Hau B.C.H.;  He F.;  Hoffman F.M.;  Howe R.W.;  Hubbell S.P.;  Inman-Narahari F.M.;  Jansen P.A.;  Jiang M.;  Johnson D.J.;  Kanzaki M.;  Kassim A.R.;  Kenfack D.;  Kibet S.;  Kinnaird M.F.;  Korte L.;  Kral K.;  Kumar J.;  Larson A.J.;  Li Y.;  Li X.;  Liu S.;  Lum S.K.Y.;  Lutz J.A.;  Ma K.;  Maddalena D.M.;  Makana J.-R.;  Malhi Y.;  Marthews T.;  Mat Serudin R.;  Mcmahon S.M.;  McShea W.J.;  Memiaghe H.R.;  Mi X.;  Mizuno T.;  Morecroft M.;  Myers J.A.;  Novotny V.;  de Oliveira A.A.;  Ong P.S.;  Orwig D.A.;  Ostertag R.;  den Ouden J.;  Parker G.G.;  Phillips R.P.;  Sack L.;  Sainge M.N.;  Sang W.;  Sri-ngernyuang K.;  Sukumar R.;  Sun I.-F.;  Sungpalee W.;  Suresh H.S.;  Tan S.;  Thomas S.C.;  Thomas D.W.;  Thompson J.;  Turner B.L.;  Uriarte M.;  Valencia R.;  Vallejo M.I.;  Vicentini A.;  Vrška T.;  Wang X.;  Wang X.;  Weiblen G.;  Wolf A.;  Xu H.;  Yap S.;  Zimmerman J.
Changing climate and the altitudinal range of avian malaria in the Hawaiian Islands - An ongoing conservation crisis on the island of Kaua'i [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2014-01-01, 20 (8
Atkinson C.T.;  Utzurrum R.B.;  Lapointe D.A.;  Camp R.J.;  Crampton L.H.;  Foster J.T.;  Giambelluca T.W.
Extensional deformation along the southern boundary of the Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea: Structural characteristics, age constraints, and tectonic implications [期刊论文]
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2014-01-01, 103 (3
Han R.;  Min K.;  Ree J.-H.;  Foster D.A.
A Pb isotope tracer of ocean-ice sheet interaction: The record from the NE Atlantic during the Last Glacial/Interglacial cycle [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2013-01-01, 82
Crocket K.C.;  Foster G.L.;  Vance D.;  Richards D.A.;  Tranter M.
Rheological control on the tectonic evolution of a continental suture zone: The Variscan example from NW Iberia (Spain) [期刊论文]
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2013-01-01, 102 (5
Díez Fernández R.;  Foster D.A.;  Gómez Barreiro J.;  Alonso-García M.