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Deep and rapid thermo-mechanical erosion by a small-volume lava flow [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020-01-01, 537
Gallant E.;  Deng F.;  Connor C.B.;  Dixon T.H.;  Xie S.;  Saballos J.A.;  Gutiérrez C.;  Myhre D.;  Connor L.;  Zayac J.;  LaFemina P.;  Charbonnier S.;  Richardson J.;  Malservisi R.;  Thompson G.
Temporal population variability in local forest communities has mixed effects on tree species richness across a latitudinal gradient [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2020-01-01, 23 (1
Fung T.;  Chisholm R.A.;  Anderson-Teixeira K.;  Bourg N.;  Brockelman W.Y.;  Bunyavejchewin S.;  Chang-Yang C.-H.;  Chitra-Tarak R.;  Chuyong G.;  Condit R.;  Dattaraja H.S.;  Davies S.J.;  Ewango C.E.N.;  Fewless G.;  Fletcher C.;  Gunatilleke C.V.S.;  Gunatilleke I.A.U.N.;  Hao Z.;  Hogan J.A.;  Howe R.;  Hsieh C.-F.;  Kenfack D.;  Lin Y.;  Ma K.;  Makana J.-R.;  McMahon S.;  McShea W.J.;  Mi X.;  Nathalang A.;  Ong P.S.;  Parker G.;  Rau E.-P.;  Shue J.;  Su S.-H.;  Sukumar R.;  Sun I.-F.;  Suresh H.S.;  Tan S.;  Thomas D.;  Thompson J.;  Valencia R.;  Vallejo M.I.;  Wang X.;  Wang Y.;  Wijekoon P.;  Wolf A.;  Yap S.;  Zimmerman J.
Segmentation of the Kepingtage thrust fault based on paleoearthquake ruptures, southwestern Tianshan, China [期刊论文]
Natural Hazards, 2020-01-01, 103 (1
Li A.;  Ran Y.;  Gomez F.;  Thompson Jobe J.A.;  Liu H.;  Xu L.
Weighting a regional climate model ensemble: Does it make a difference? Can it make a difference? [期刊论文]
Climate Research, 2019-01-01, 77 (1
Bukovsky M.S.;  Thompson J.A.;  Mearns L.O.
An approach for the identification of exemplar sites for scaling up targeted field observations of benthic biogeochemistry in heterogeneous environments [期刊论文]
Biogeochemistry, 2017-01-01, 135 (2018-01-02
Thompson C.E.L.;  Silburn B.;  Williams M.E.;  Hull T.;  Sivyer D.;  Amoudry L.O.;  Widdicombe S.;  Ingels J.;  Carnovale G.;  McNeill C.L.;  Hale R.;  Marchais C.L.;  Hicks N.;  Smith H.E.K.;  Klar J.K.;  Hiddink J.G.;  Kowalik J.;  Kitidis V.;  Reynolds S.;  Woodward E.M.S.;  Tait K.;  Homoky W.B.;  Kröger S.;  Bolam S.;  Godbold J.A.;  Aldridge J.;  Mayor D.J.;  Benoist N.M.A.;  Bett B.J.;  Morris K.J.;  Parker E.R.;  Ruhl H.A.;  Statham P.J.;  Solan M.
Ecological impacts and management implications of reef walking on a tropical reef flat community [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017-01-01, 114 (2
Williamson J.E.;  Byrnes E.E.;  Clark J.A.;  Connolly D.M.;  Schiller S.E.;  Thompson J.A.;  Tosetto L.;  Martinelli J.C.;  Raoult V.
A global Mars dust composition refined by the Alpha-Particle X-ray Spectrometer in Gale Crater [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (1
Berger J.A.;  Schmidt M.E.;  Gellert R.;  Campbell J.L.;  King P.L.;  Flemming R.L.;  Ming D.W.;  Clark B.C.;  Pradler I.;  Vanbommel S.J.V.;  Minitti M.E.;  Fairén A.G.;  Boyd N.I.;  Thompson L.M.;  Perrett G.M.;  Elliott B.E.;  Desouza E.
Trend and uncertainty in spatial-temporal patterns of hydrological droughts in the Amazon basin [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (7
Lopes A.V.;  Chiang J.C.H.;  Thompson S.A.;  Dracup J.A.
Oxidation of manganese in an ancient aquifer, Kimberley formation, Gale crater, Mars [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (14
Lanza N.L.;  Wiens R.C.;  Arvidson R.E.;  Clark B.C.;  Fischer W.W.;  Gellert R.;  Grotzinger J.P.;  Hurowitz J.A.;  McLennan S.M.;  Morris R.V.;  Rice M.S.;  Bell J.F.;  III;  Berger J.A.;  Blaney D.L.;  Bridges N.T.;  Calef F.;  III;  Campbell J.L.;  Clegg S.M.;  Cousin A.;  Edgett K.S.;  Fabre C.;  Fisk M.R.;  Forni O.;  Frydenvang J.;  Hardy K.R.;  Hardgrove C.;  Johnson J.R.;  Lasue J.;  Le Mouélic S.;  Malin M.C.;  Mangold N.;  Martìn-Torres J.;  Maurice S.;  McBride M.J.;  Ming D.W.;  Newsom H.E.;  Ollila A.M.;  Sautter V.;  Schröder S.;  Thompson L.M.;  Treiman A.H.;  VanBommel S.;  Vaniman D.T.;  Zorzano M.-P.
Geochemical evidence of windblown origin of the Late Cenozoic lacustrine sediments in Beijing and implications for weathering and climate change [期刊论文]
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016-01-01, 446
Jiang H.;  Guo G.;  Cai X.;  Thompson J.A.;  Xu H.;  Zhong N.

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