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Associations between modeled residential outdoor and measured personal exposure to ultrafine particles in four European study areas [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 226
van Nunen E.;  Vermeulen R.;  Tsai M.-Y.;  Probst-Hensch N.;  Ineichen A.;  Imboden M.;  Naccarati A.;  Tarallo S.;  Raffaele D.;  Ranzi A.;  Nieuwenhuijsen M.;  Jarvis D.;  Amaral A.F.;  Vlaanderen J.;  Meliefste K.;  Brunekreef B.;  Vineis P.;  Gulliver J.;  Hoek G.
Associations between modeled residential outdoor and measured personal exposure to ultrafine particles in four European study areas [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 226
van Nunen E.;  Vermeulen R.;  Tsai M.-Y.;  Probst-Hensch N.;  Ineichen A.;  Imboden M.;  Naccarati A.;  Tarallo S.;  Raffaele D.;  Ranzi A.;  Nieuwenhuijsen M.;  Jarvis D.;  Amaral A.F.;  Vlaanderen J.;  Meliefste K.;  Brunekreef B.;  Vineis P.;  Gulliver J.;  Hoek G.
Climate action for food security in South Asia? Analyzing the role of agriculture in nationally determined contributions to the Paris agreement [期刊论文]
Climate Policy, 2019-01-01, 19 (3
Amjath-Babu T.S.;  Aggarwal P.K.;  Vermeulen S.
The resilience of integrated agricultural systems to climate change [期刊论文]
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2017-01-01, 8 (4
Gil J;  D;  B;  , Cohn A;  S;  , Duncan J;  , Newton P;  , Vermeulen S
Hydrology of inland tropical lowlands: The Kapuas and Mahakam wetlands [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2017-01-01, 21 (5
Hidayat H;  , Teuling A;  J;  , Vermeulen B;  , Taufik M;  , Kastner K;  , Geertsema T;  J;  , Bol D;  C;  C;  , Hoekman D;  H;  , Sri Haryani G;  , Van Lanen H;  A;  J;  , Delinom R;  M;  , DIjksma R;  , Anshari G;  Z;  , Ningsih N;  S;  , Uijlenhoet R;  , Hoitink A;  J;  F
Ubiquity of organic nitrates from nighttime chemistry in the European submicron aerosol [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (14
Kiendler-Scharr A.;  Mensah A.A.;  Friese E.;  Topping D.;  Nemitz E.;  Prevot A.S.H.;  Äijälä M.;  Allan J.;  Canonaco F.;  Canagaratna M.;  Carbone S.;  Crippa M.;  Dall Osto M.;  Day D.A.;  De Carlo P.;  Di Marco C.F.;  Elbern H.;  Eriksson A.;  Freney E.;  Hao L.;  Herrmann H.;  Hildebrandt L.;  Hillamo R.;  Jimenez J.L.;  Laaksonen A.;  McFiggans G.;  Mohr C.;  O'Dowd C.;  Otjes R.;  Ovadnevaite J.;  Pandis S.N.;  Poulain L.;  Schlag P.;  Sellegri K.;  Swietlicki E.;  Tiitta P.;  Vermeulen A.;  Wahner A.;  Worsnop D.;  Wu H.-C.
Occupation and Risk of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Its Subtypes: A Pooled Analysis from the InterLymph Consortium [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2016-01-01, Volume 124 (Issue 4
rea ‘t Mannetje;  1* Anneclaire J. De Roos;  2* Paolo Boffetta;  3 Roel Vermeulen;  4 Geza Benke;  5 Lin Fritschi;  6 Paul Brennan;  7 Lenka Foretova;  8 Marc Maynadié;  9 Nikolaus Becker;  10 Alex;  ra Nieters;  11 Anthony Staines;  12 Marcello Campagna;  13 Brian Chiu;  14 Jacqueline Clavel;  15;  16 Silvia de Sanjose;  17;  18 Patricia Hartge;  19 Elizabeth A. Holly;  20 Paige Bracci;  20 Martha S. Linet;  21 Alain Monnereau;  22;  23 Laurent Orsi;  15 Mark P. Purdue;  24 Nathaniel Rothman;  24 Qing Lan;  24 Eleanor Kane;  25 Adele Seniori Costantini;  26 Lucia Miligi;  26 John J. Spinelli;  27 Tongzhang Zheng;  28 Pierluigi Cocco;  13*;  Anne Kricker29*
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Reducing emissions from agriculture to meet the 2 °C target [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2016-01-01, 22 (12
Wollenberg E.;  Richards M.;  Smith P.;  Havlík P.;  Obersteiner M.;  Tubiello F.N.;  Herold M.;  Gerber P.;  Carter S.;  Reisinger A.;  van Vuuren D.P.;  Dickie A.;  Neufeldt H.;  Sander B.O.;  Wassmann R.;  Sommer R.;  Amonette J.E.;  Falcucci A.;  Herrero M.;  Opio C.;  Roman-Cuesta R.M.;  Stehfest E.;  Westhoek H.;  Ortiz-Monasterio I.;  Sapkota T.;  Rufino M.C.;  Thornton P.K.;  Verchot L.;  West P.C.;  Soussana J.-F.;  Baedeker T.;  Sadler M.;  Vermeulen S.;  Campbell B.M.
Occupational Exposure to Benzene and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in a Population-Based Cohort: The Shanghai Women’s Health Study [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2015-01-01, Volume 123 (Issue 10
Bryan A. Bassig;  1 Melissa C. Friesen;  1 Roel Vermeulen;  2 Xiao-Ou Shu;  3 Mark P. Purdue;  1 Patricia A. Stewart;  4;  5 Yong-Bing Xiang;  6 Wong-Ho Chow;  7 Tongzhang Zheng;  8 Bu-Tian Ji;  1 Gong Yang;  3 Martha S. Linet;  9 Wei Hu;  1 Heping Zhang;  10 Wei Zheng;  3 Yu-Tang Gao;  11 Nathaniel Rothman;  1;  Qing Lan1
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Prediagnostic Serum Organochlorine Concentrations and Metastatic Prostate Cancer: A Nested Case–Control Study in the Norwegian Janus Serum Bank Cohort [期刊论文]
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2015-01-01, Volume 123 (Issue 9
Stella Koutros;  1 Hilde Langseth;  2 Tom K. Grimsrud;  2 Dana Boyd Barr;  3 Roel Vermeulen;  4 Lützen Portengen;  4 Sholom Wacholder;  1 Laura E. Beane Freeman;  1 Aaron Blair;  1 Richard B. Hayes;  5 Nathaniel Rothman;  1;  Lawrence S. Engel6
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