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New insights into the structural heterogeneity and geodynamics of the Indo-Burma subduction zone from ambient noise tomography [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 562
Wu S.;  Yao J.;  Wei S.;  Hubbard J.;  Wang Y.;  Min Htwe Y.M.;  Thant M.;  Wang X.;  Wang K.;  Liu T.;  Liu Q.;  Tong P.
Seismic hazard of multi-segment rupturing for the Anninghe–Zemuhe–Daliangshan fault region, southeastern Tibetan Plateau: constraints from geological and geodetic slip rates [期刊论文]
Natural Hazards, 2021-01-01, 107 (2
Cheng J.;  Xu X.;  Yao Q.;  Yang X.;  Chen H.
Biogenic particles formed in the Himalaya as an important source of free tropospheric aerosols [期刊论文]
Nature Geoscience, 2021-01-01, 14 (1
Bianchi F.;  Junninen H.;  Bigi A.;  Sinclair V.A.;  Dada L.;  Hoyle C.R.;  Zha Q.;  Yao L.;  Ahonen L.R.;  Bonasoni P.;  Buenrostro Mazon S.;  Hutterli M.;  Laj P.;  Lehtipalo K.;  Kangasluoma J.;  Kerminen V.-M.;  Kontkanen J.;  Marinoni A.;  Mirme S.;  Molteni U.;  Petäjä T.;  Riva M.;  Rose C.;  Sellegri K.;  Yan C.;  Worsnop D.R.;  Kulmala M.;  Baltensperger U.;  Dommen J.
Efficacy and safety of chiglitazar, a novel peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor pan-agonist, in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial (CMAP) [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (15
Ji L.;  Song W.;  Fang H.;  Li W.;  Geng J.;  Wang Y.;  Guo L.;  Cai H.;  Yang T.;  Li H.;  Yang G.;  Li Q.;  Liu K.;  Li S.;  Liu Y.;  Shi F.;  Li X.;  Gao X.;  Tian H.;  Ji Q.;  Su Q.;  Zhou Z.;  Wang W.;  Zhou Z.;  Li X.;  Xu Y.;  Ning Z.;  Cao H.;  Pan D.;  Yao H.;  Lu X.;  Jia W.
Chiglitazar monotherapy with sitagliptin as an active comparator in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized, double-blind, phase 3 trial (CMAS) [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (15
Jia W.;  Ma J.;  Miao H.;  Wang C.;  Wang X.;  Li Q.;  Lu W.;  Yang J.;  Zhang L.;  Yang J.;  Wang G.;  Zhang X.;  Zhang M.;  Sun L.;  Yu X.;  Du J.;  Shi B.;  Xiao C.;  Zhu D.;  Liu H.;  Zhong L.;  Xu C.;  Xu Q.;  Liang G.;  Zhang Y.;  Li G.;  Gu M.;  Liu J.;  Yuan G.;  Yan Z.;  Yan D.;  Ye S.;  Zhang F.;  Ning Z.;  Cao H.;  Pan D.;  Yao H.;  Lu X.;  Ji L.
Small P values may not yield robust findings: an example using REST-meta-PD [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01,
Jia X.-Z.;  Zhao N.;  Dong H.-M.;  Sun J.-W.;  Barton M.;  Burciu R.;  Carrière N.;  Cerasa A.;  Chen B.-Y.;  Chen J.;  Coombes S.;  Defebvre L.;  Delmaire C.;  Dujardin K.;  Esposito F.;  Fan G.-G.;  Di Nardo F.;  Feng Y.-X.;  Fling B.W.;  Garg S.;  Gilat M.;  Gorges M.;  Ho S.-L.;  Horak F.B.;  Hu X.;  Hu X.-F.;  Huang B.;  Huang P.-Y.;  Jia Z.-J.;  Jones C.;  Kassubek J.;  Krajcovicova L.;  Kurani A.;  Li J.;  Li Q.;  Liu A.-P.;  Liu B.;  Liu H.;  Liu W.-G.;  Lopes R.;  Lou Y.-T.;  Luo W.;  Madhyastha T.;  Mao N.-N.;  McAlonan G.;  McKeown M.J.;  Pang S.Y.Y.;  Quattrone A.;  Rektorova I.;  Sarica A.;  Shang H.-F.;  Shine J.M.;  Shukla P.;  Slavicek T.;  Song X.-P.;  Tedeschi G.;  Tessitore A.;  Vaillancourt D.;  Wang J.;  Wang J.;  Jane Wang Z.;  Wei L.-Q.;  Wu X.;  Xu X.-J.;  Yan L.;  Yang J.;  Yang W.-Q.;  Yao N.-L.;  Zhang D.-L.;  Zhang J.-Q.;  Zhang M.-M.;  Zhang Y.-L.;  Zhou C.-H.;  Yan C.-G.;  Zuo X.-N.;  Hallett M.;  Wu T.;  Zang Y.-F.
Electron-plasmon interaction induced plasmonic-polaron band replication in epitaxial perovskite SrIrO3 films [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (5
Liu Z.;  Liu W.;  Zhou R.;  Cai S.;  Song Y.;  Yao Q.;  Lu X.;  Liu J.;  Liu Z.;  Wang Z.;  Zheng Y.;  Wang P.;  Liu Z.;  Li G.;  Shen D.
A pig model carrying heterozygous point mutation of NCSTN simulates familial acne inversa and reveals dysregulated cholesterol biosynthesis via the Notch-pAMPK-HMGCR pathway [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01,
Song R.;  Liu K.;  Wang Y.;  Qin G.;  Xiao M.;  Liu Y.;  Yang J.;  Zong R.;  Yan X.;  Zheng Q.;  Zhang H.;  Hou N.;  Yao J.;  Wang X.;  Wang Y.;  Zhao J.;  Zhang X.
Warming-driven migration of core microbiota indicates soil property changes at continental scale [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01,
Wang S.;  Bao X.;  Feng K.;  Deng Y.;  Zhou W.;  Shao P.;  Zheng T.;  Yao F.;  Yang S.;  Liu S.;  Shi R.;  Bai Z.;  Xie H.;  Yu J.;  Zhang Y.;  Zhang Y.;  Sha L.;  Song Q.;  Liu Y.;  Zhou J.;  Zhang Y.;  Li H.;  Wang Q.;  Han X.;  Zhu Y.;  Liang C.
Fossil evidence reveals uplift of the central Tibetan Plateau and differentiated ecosystems during the Late Oligocene [期刊论文]
Science Bulletin, 2021-01-01, 66 (12
Xie G.;  Sun B.;  Li J.-F.;  Wang S.-Q.;  Yao Y.-F.;  Li M.;  Zhang X.-C.;  Ferguson D.K.;  Li C.-S.;  Liu X.-D.;  Deng T.;  Wang Y.-F.

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