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Violation of Field Line Conservation and Associated Spatial Scales in Particle-in-Cell Simulations and MMS Data [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2018-01-01, 123 (3
Wendel D.E.;  Liu Y.-H.;  Giles B.L.;  Torbert R.B.
Determining L-M-N Current Sheet Coordinates at the Magnetopause From Magnetospheric Multiscale Data [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2018-01-01, 123 (3
Denton R.E.;  Sonnerup B.U.Ö.;  Russell C.T.;  Hasegawa H.;  Phan T.-D.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Giles B.L.;  Ergun R.E.;  Lindqvist P.-A.;  Torbert R.B.;  Burch J.L.;  Vines S.K.
MMS Observation of Asymmetric Reconnection Supported by 3-D Electron Pressure Divergence [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2018-01-01, 123 (3
Genestreti K.J.;  Varsani A.;  Burch J.L.;  Cassak P.A.;  Torbert R.B.;  Nakamura R.;  Ergun R.E.;  Phan T.-D.;  Toledo-Redondo S.;  Hesse M.;  Wang S.;  Giles B.L.;  Russell C.T.;  Vörös Z.;  Hwang K.-J.;  Eastwood J.P.;  Lavraud B.;  Escoubet C.P.;  Fear R.C.;  Khotyaintsev Y.;  Nakamura T.K.M.;  Webster J.M.;  Baumjohann W.
Multiscale Currents Observed by MMS in the Flow Braking Region [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2018-01-01, 123 (2
Nakamura R.;  Varsani A.;  Genestreti K.J.;  Le Contel O.;  Nakamura T.;  Baumjohann W.;  Nagai T.;  Artemyev A.;  Birn J.;  Sergeev V.A.;  Apatenkov S.;  Ergun R.E.;  Fuselier S.A.;  Gershman D.J.;  Giles B.J.;  Khotyaintsev Y.V.;  Lindqvist P.-A.;  Magnes W.;  Mauk B.;  Petrukovich A.;  Russell C.T.;  Stawarz J.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Anderson B.;  Burch J.L.;  Bromund K.R.;  Cohen I.;  Fischer D.;  Jaynes A.;  Kepko L.;  Le G.;  Plaschke F.;  Reeves G.;  Singer H.J.;  Slavin J.A.;  Torbert R.B.;  Turner D.L.
Bow Shock Generator Current Systems: MMS Observations of Possible Current Closure [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 2018-01-01, 123 (1
Hamrin M.;  Gunell H.;  Lindkvist J.;  Lindqvist P.-A.;  Ergun R.E.;  Giles B.L.
Ion-scale secondary flux ropes generated by magnetopause reconnection as resolved by MMS [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (10
Eastwood J.P.;  Phan T.D.;  Cassak P.A.;  Gershman D.J.;  Haggerty C.;  Malakit K.;  Shay M.A.;  Mistry R.;  Øieroset M.;  Russell C.T.;  Slavin J.A.;  Argall M.R.;  Avanov L.A.;  Burch J.L.;  Chen L.J.;  Dorelli J.C.;  Ergun R.E.;  Giles B.L.;  Khotyaintsev Y.;  Lavraud B.;  Lindqvist P.A.;  Moore T.E.;  Nakamura R.;  Paterson W.;  Pollock C.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Torbert R.B.;  Wang S.
Electrodynamic context of magnetopause dynamics observed by magnetospheric multiscale [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (12
Anderson B.J.;  Russell C.T.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Plaschke F.;  Magnes W.;  Fischer D.;  Korth H.;  Merkin V.G.;  Barnes R.J.;  Waters C.L.;  Cohen I.J.;  Westlake J.H.;  Mauk B.H.;  Leinweber H.K.;  Gershman D.J.;  Giles B.L.;  Le G.;  Torbert R.B.;  Burch J.L.
On the electron diffusion region in asymmetric reconnection with a guide magnetic field [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (6
Hesse M.;  Liu Y.-H.;  Chen L.-J.;  Bessho N.;  Kuznetsova M.;  Birn J.;  Burch J.L.
MMS observations of large guide field symmetric reconnection between colliding reconnection jets at the center of a magnetic flux rope at the magnetopause [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (11
Øieroset M.;  Phan T.D.;  Haggerty C.;  Shay M.A.;  Eastwood J.P.;  Gershman D.J.;  Drake J.F.;  Fujimoto M.;  Ergun R.E.;  Mozer F.S.;  Oka M.;  Torbert R.B.;  Burch J.L.;  Wang S.;  Chen L.J.;  Swisdak M.;  Pollock C.;  Dorelli J.C.;  Fuselier S.A.;  Lavraud B.;  Giles B.L.;  Moore T.E.;  Saito Y.;  Avanov L.A.;  Paterson W.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Russell C.T.;  Khotyaintsev Y.;  Lindqvist P.A.;  Malakit K.
Steepening of waves at the duskside magnetopause [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (14
Plaschke F.;  Kahr N.;  Fischer D.;  Nakamura R.;  Baumjohann W.;  Magnes W.;  Burch J.L.;  Torbert R.B.;  Russell C.T.;  Giles B.L.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Leinweber H.K.;  Bromund K.R.;  Anderson B.J.;  Le G.;  Chutter M.;  Slavin J.A.;  Kepko E.L.