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Anthropogenic methane plume detection from point sources in the Paris megacity area and characterization of their δ13C signature [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 222
Xueref-Remy I.;  Zazzeri G.;  Bréon F.M.;  Vogel F.;  Ciais P.;  Lowry D.;  Nisbet E.G.
Anthropogenic methane plume detection from point sources in the Paris megacity area and characterization of their δ13C signature [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 222
Xueref-Remy I.;  Zazzeri G.;  Bréon F.M.;  Vogel F.;  Ciais P.;  Lowry D.;  Nisbet E.G.
The future sea-level contribution of the Greenland ice sheet: A multi-model ensemble study of ISMIP6 [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2020-01-01, 14 (9
Goelzer H.;  Nowicki S.;  Payne A.;  Larour E.;  Seroussi H.;  Lipscomb W.H.;  Gregory J.;  Abe-Ouchi A.;  Shepherd A.;  Simon E.;  Agosta C.;  Alexander P.;  Aschwanden A.;  Barthel A.;  Calov R.;  Chambers C.;  Choi Y.;  Cuzzone J.;  Dumas C.;  Edwards T.;  Felikson D.;  Fettweis X.;  Golledge N.R.;  Greve R.;  Humbert A.;  Huybrechts P.;  Le Clec'H S.;  Lee V.;  Leguy G.;  Little C.;  Lowry D.;  Morlighem M.;  Nias I.;  Quiquet A.;  Rückamp M.;  Schlegel N.-J.;  Slater D.A.;  Smith R.;  Straneo F.;  Tarasov L.;  Van De Wal R.;  Van Den Broeke M.
Very Strong. Atmospheric Methane Growth in the 4 Years 2014-2017: Implications for the paris Agreement [期刊论文]
GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES, 2019-01-01, 33 (3) : 318-342
Nisbet, E. G.;  Manning, M. R.;  Dlugokencky, E. J.;  Fisher, R. E.;  Lowry, D.;  Michel, S. E.;  Myhre, C. Lund;  Platt, M.;  Allen, G.;  Bousquet, P.;  Brownlow, R.;  Cain, M.;  France, J. L.;  Hermansen, O.;  Hossaini, R.;  Jones, A. E.;  Levin, I;  Manning, A. C.;  Myhre, G.;  Pyle, J. A.;  Vaughn, B. H.;  Warwick, N. J.;  White, J. W. C.
Climatic impact, future biomass production, and local adaptation of four switchgrass cultivars [期刊论文]
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY BIOENERGY, 2019-01-01, 11 (8) : 956-970
Zhang, Li;  Juenger, Thomas E.;  Lowry, David B.;  Behrman, Kathrine D.
Very Strong Atmospheric Methane Growth in the 4 Years 2014–2017: Implications for the Paris Agreement [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2019-01-01, 33 (3
Nisbet E.G.;  Manning M.R.;  Dlugokencky E.J.;  Fisher R.E.;  Lowry D.;  Michel S.E.;  Myhre C.L.;  Platt S.M.;  Allen G.;  Bousquet P.;  Brownlow R.;  Cain M.;  France J.L.;  Hermansen O.;  Hossaini R.;  Jones A.E.;  Levin I.;  Manning A.C.;  Myhre G.;  Pyle J.A.;  Vaughn B.H.;  Warwick N.J.;  White J.W.C.
Diurnal, seasonal, and annual trends in tropospheric CO in Southwest London during 2000–2015: Wind sector analysis and comparisons with urban and remote sites [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2018-01-01, 177
Hernández-Paniagua I;  Y;  , Lowry D;  , Clemitshaw K;  C;  , Palmer P;  I;  , Fisher R;  E;  , France J;  L;  , Mendoza A;  , O'Doherty S;  , Forster G;  , Lanoisellé M;  , Nisbet E;  G
The Ross Sea Dipole-temperature, snow accumulation and sea ice variability in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica, over the past 2700 years [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2018-01-01, 14 (2
Bertler N.A.N.;  Conway H.;  Dahl-Jensen D.;  Emanuelsson D.B.;  Winstrup M.;  Vallelonga P.T.;  Lee J.E.;  Brook E.J.;  Severinghaus J.P.;  Fudge T.J.;  Keller E.D.;  Troy Baisden W.;  Hindmarsh R.C.A.;  Neff P.D.;  Blunier T.;  Edwards R.;  Mayewski P.A.;  Kipfstuhl S.;  Buizert C.;  Canessa S.;  Dadic R.;  Kjær H.A.;  Kurbatov A.;  Zhang D.;  Waddington E.D.;  Baccolo G.;  Beers T.;  Brightley H.J.;  Carter L.;  Clemens-Sewall D.;  Ciobanu V.G.;  Delmonte B.;  Eling L.;  Ellis A.;  Ganesh S.;  Golledge N.R.;  Haines S.;  Handley M.;  Hawley R.L.;  Hogan C.M.;  Johnson K.M.;  Korotkikh E.;  Lowry D.P.;  Mandeno D.;  McKay R.M.;  Menking J.A.;  Naish T.R.;  Noerling C.;  Ollive A.;  Orsi A.;  Proemse B.C.;  Pyne A.R.;  Pyne R.L.;  Renwick J.;  Scherer R.P.;  Semper S.;  Simonsen M.;  Sneed S.B.;  Steig E.J.;  Tuohy A.;  Ulayottil Venugopal A.;  Valero-Delgado F.;  Venkatesh J.;  Wang F.;  Wang S.;  Winski D.A.;  Holly W.;  Whiteford A.;  Xiao C.;  Yang J.;  Zhang X.
A cautionary tale: A study of a methane enhancement over the North Sea [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2017-01-01, 122 (14
Cain M.;  Warwick N.J.;  Fisher R.E.;  Lowry D.;  Lanoisellé M.;  Nisbet E.G.;  France J.;  Pitt J.;  O'Shea S.;  Bower K.N.;  Allen G.;  Illingworth S.;  Manning A.J.;  Bauguitte S.;  Pisso I.;  Pyle J.A.
Isotopic Ratios of Tropical Methane Emissions by Atmospheric Measurement [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2017-01-01, 31 (9
Brownlow R;  , Lowry D;  , Fisher R;  E;  , France J;  L;  , Lanoisellé M;  , White B;  , Wooster M;  J;  , Zhang T;  , Nisbet E;  G

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